The Question Part 2

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5 hours later Olivia receives a text from Rafael. She smiles and looks at her phone.

6:22PM Liv I've need Noah to Mami's because I've have to go out for an hour. Is that okay?

Olivia smiled she types a quick yes and a be careful and gets back to paperwork. She loves how Rafael tells her what's going on with Noah and she loves how he's taken the role of being like a father to him.

She gets back to her paperwork and just as she was about the turn off her computer, at 8pm, she hears something that she can't help but smile at.

"Hey beautiful." He says standing at the door in a black suit jacket, white crisp shirt and black pants with no tie and black shoes.

"Raf." She says with a smile. She gets up and kisses him. The team left at 6 but she wanted to finish her paperwork. She looks at the time and sighs.

"We were supposed to be ready. And I look like this."

"You look beautiful."

"Raf. Don't. I look like hell. My hair is a mess I've got coffee on my top and..."

"Sofa." He says with a smile. She nods and they walk over. He takes her hand and smiles.

"Okay so... You may have coffee on your shirt and you may look a little tired but Olivia Benson. You are the most amazing, beautiful, funny, kind and caring woman I know."

"Thanks Raf."

"Look I had this all planned. We were going to go for dinner and then over to the park. But I think I'm going to change that." He says taking out his phone.

Olivia says nothing as he puts the phone to his ear.

"I still need it. Yeah. No I can't. Yes. Thanks Jack." She hears him say.

He puts down the phone and puts it away. "Come on let's go." He says with a smile.

Confused, she goes with him and smiles back. They go down to his car and she gets in. Within a couple of moments she smiles as they stop outside the courthouse. They go in and stop outside of a court room.

"Ah Rafael. Good to see you. Olivia... I haven't seen you in a long time.." Jack says.

They talk for a little bit and Jack leaves. Rafael unlockes the door to see Captain Cragen and Harris stood there. Rollins is a stood at the side and fin is over in the corner.

"Go stand next to Rollins a sec." He says to Olivia. He turns and gives a quick nod to Rita, who has just walked in. Jack is stood at the door with Carmen. Olivia smiles at Rollins and Rafael goes to Fin.

"Good luck man." Fin says handing over the small box.

"Captian. Bring your daughters to work day?"

"Benson Rollins this is ADA Rafael Barba. I lied told them you know your way around the courtroom."

He breaks the memory from them as a smile creeps over Cragens face.

"Liv. I need to ask you something. This... this room. This is where it all started. This is where I shook your hand and this is where I met my best friend. Who came to be my lover too.  It was also the moment where I knew I had found someone who would put up with my sarcasm. Who would be there when I need coffee and who would be there when I need a friend. You and Noah mean the world to me. But I want everyone wherever we go to know that." He stops for a second and looks at Harris. "I know I said that she was your daughter then but Captain Cragen is the man who is really that person. So sorry Steve I'm gonna ask him that."

He turns to Don Cragen and smiles. "Can I ask her?"

Cragen nodds and Rafael gets on one knee. "Olivia Benson. Will you marry me?"

She smiles before nodding. "Yes. Yes. 1 million times yes." She says. The room erupts in claps and nobody notices John Munch and Nick Amaro there with Lucia barba, who is crying and Noah.

"Well... Olivia Benson is getting married to a lawyer." John says.

"It looks like it...." She says leaning on Rafael.  She kisses him and whispers "Thanks."

Okay people I'm going to leave this one here. This book has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. Thankyou for all of the support and I hope you check out the other books. I never thought ever that it would be like this so Thankyou all. Maybe there will be a book two.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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