Coffee with Captain Cragen

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Olivia woke up. She had a shower and made some toast. She also rang Don Cragen. "Good morning Liv." Captain Cragen  spoke firmly. " I'm sorry if I woke you." She said. "I was a awake. What can I do you for Olivia." He replied back.  "Don. Can we meet up for lunch. I want to see you about some stuff." She said with a stutter. She was nervous about this Don Cragen had always been like a father figure to Olivia. "Sure Liv. Just text me a place and time and I'll see you there." He spoke more softly now. "Thank you Captain." She said with a soft toned voice as well. They hung up their phones and Olivia went to work. She seen Noah as she was leaving. "Hi sweet boy. How are you?" She said Noah told her all about his evening. She hugged her boy and went to work. She texted Don. "Hey Captain. I'm okay to go for lunch in about 45 minutes. Where should we go?" she sent the text and shouted fin. "Fin come to my office please." She said and in a matter of seconds "Hey Liv. What's up?" He said. "Captain Cragen and I are going to lunch just so can you call me if anything happens please."  She said getting her leather jacket. "Of course Liv. Have a good time." Fin said leaving the door open so she could go out. She checked herself in the mirror in the ladies toilet and left to see Captain Cragen.  She headed to the restaurant and seen Captain Cragen. "Olivia. Hello and don't call me captain please just call me Don. You seemed upset on the phone call Olivia what's wrong." Don said with a welcoming smile and a hug. "Don I'm not gonna lie I don't even know what to do. I did something." Olivia said with an equally warm smile and hugged him back. "Olivia. Talk to me." Don said. "Okay I need you to keep this between us. I have been seeing Rafael Barba and I really think that we have something but Peter stone the ADA from Chicago had asked on a date and I don't know what to do." She said sipping the coffee he had bought her.  "Well Olivia why don't we talk about that later it has obviously been stressing you out." He said. They did what he suggested and as they were leaving he said "Just talk to the guy, Liv. If you really want it to work talk to him. You don't need me for that. You're a big girl." she smiled a little "In situations like this, I'm not so sure Cap," she admitted. Captain Cragen grinned when he told her, "Well Lieutenant. If  the guy means a damn to you, you better man up and put on your big girl pants. Well that's what Fin would say. " Olivia laughed out loud and Don hugged her before they exited the Coffee shop and went their separate ways. She texted Rafael to meet her in her office. "My office Important meeting (smiley face.) also could you shut the blinds please so I know your there." she typed quickly and took a taxi back to her unit. She got a reply as she got in her taxi "Okay."

She was nervous but she knew she needed to talk to him.

Olivia Benson and Rafael BarbaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat