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"Are you incapable of staying away from crime scenes?"

Derek blinked in surprise as he walked out of the ruins of his childhood home, finding Maeve stood at the bottom of the steps with her arms crossed looking hardly amused.

Derek walked down the steps, looking to Maeve suspiciously, "What are you doing here? Thought it was your day off."

"I had a call about a suspicious looking trespasser on our land, I suppose it's you then?" Maeve replied, resting her hands in her jacket pockets, the same jacket Derek recognised from when they were younger.

Derek nodded, "I figured the alpha may of come back here."

"I thought we agreed you weren't going to hunt down the alpha on your own," Maeve reminded him, her voice full of disapproval.

"I'm not hunting down anything," Derek corrected, matching her tone, "I'm researching."

Maeve's gaze flickered on his bare chest, gulping as she looked up to the sky, "Without a shirt?"

Derek shrugged, Maeve briefly looked back to his bare chest, realising he wasn't going to put his shirt back on, she let out a sigh.

Maeve scoffed quietly, eyes narrowing on her ex, "So Is that what I should tell the family when the alpha mauls you to death?"

Derek went to argue with her, but a crunch of some branches in the distance caught their attention, looking over their shoulders out into the preserve, "What was that?"

"If that's the alpha my point proves itself," Maeve grumbled, unconsciously stepping closer to Derek.

Derek sighed, his gaze flickered through the trees, "Not the time, Maeve."

Maeve heard multiple sets of footsteps getting closer, worriedly glancing up at her ex, "Derek?"

"Hunters," Derek grunted, grabbing onto Maeve's arm, trying to pull her up into the house.

"No-" Maeve pulled back, standing at the bottom of the steps, eyes wide with fear, "I am not going in there!"

"It will be fine," Derek stressed, looking between Maeve and the trees.

"You didn't nearly get burnt to a crisp in there," Maeve hissed in a whisper, hearing voices getting closer, "No chance, Derek!"

Maeve avoided the Hale house at all costs, with the annoying habit of being dragged there on many occasions, Maeve had gotten used to seeing it, but always refused to go inside her old home.

Derek hurried back down the steps, taking Maeve's arm back in his, "Maeve, we have no choice."

Maeve saw the fear in his eyes and nodded slowly, jogging up the steps after him into the ruins, her heartbeat rising with her nerves.

"It's okay," Derek whispered, carefully making their way through the ruins, lifting a fallen beam to reach the staircase.

Derek turned around at a sudden click, turning around to find Maeve loading the gun she had in her holster, "What is that?"

"A gun," Maeve stated obviously, rolling her eyes as she put it back.

"Why do you have a gun?" Derek muttered, ignoring the obvious.

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