7.Lifeline for Life

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Beats: Cold water ~ Major Lazer, Justin Bieber

"I was a happy chap, though naughty and too experimental for my own good. I told you I lost my virginity at 13 to some chick called Kendall, who I never saw or cared to see again.

I lived without regret though I made way too many mistakes. I started hitting the bottle when I was only sixteen, you and several of my other friends used to get drunk off our asses together. I was indisputable. No one could tell me what to do.

I was barely at home. I slept in strangers' houses, strangers' beds with strangers. My sweet mother always fell for my lies that I was in study sleepovers with my friends. But was there a reason to doubt me when I got such exceptional grades?

Teachers gave up on rectifying my arrogance and misconducts though I was one of the brightest students in school. I can still feel the thirsty stares girls used to give me. My ego was inflated by constant attention and compliments.

So confident was I that I wooed that hot English teacher, Natalie and had my way with her. I discarded her after use, typical of the jerk I was. She was so heartbroken that she resigned to save her dignity. The woman was 35 but fell for a lad who was barely 16. But who was I to care?

Then I met her. Taylor. She was pretty, alright. Signature red lips, blonde, dreamy blue eyes, cheerleader...she was every boy's dream. She was dating some senior jerkface, Justin. I beat him in a dance-off and I won the prize of his girlfriend, as we made the bet earlier.

Taylor was not one to complain, 'cause heck, she was head over heels for me. She was mean and bossy...the kind that kept me hooked to her. But we're talking about the school's biggest fuck boy. I cheated on her countless times.

I hurt her to the point she became numb to the pain of betrayal. I guess she had no tears left to cry. We were both stuck in the roller- coaster of our toxic relationship. She was my trophy since I got even more popular for dating the hottest cheerleader. She also got gratification for dating the hottest and the best soccer player in school.

And that was my life until Taylor graduated from highschool. I never saw or heard from her again. Years passed and my body count increased. Time for graduation came. I made my mother proud for I had succeeded as a student but little did she know about the numerous girls whose emotions I toyed with.

That graduation night, however, was the turning point. Louis, you and I decided to get laid that night. You weren't that much of a whore like Louis and I, so when your mom promised you Nando's that night, you gladly ditched our plans.

Louis threw a little party at his place and invited me and a few girls over. The lucky bastard used to rent an apartment as part of his allowance from his parents. We smoked weed and got stoned beyond oblivion. We danced aimlessly and chugged down toxic volumes of liquor. We divided the girls between us and each of us slept with at least five girls if I remember correctly.

Later in the night, Louis called me up to the balcony. I groaned but I slipped on my pants and followed him. There was an indulgent breeze up there compared to the stuffiness inside. He asked me if I had a good time. And I told him that was one of my greatest nights ever.

He asked me if I was his best friend and I definately said yes. Then he handed me a bottle of whiskey and I downed it without hesitation, making me even more intoxicated than I already was.I began seeing double and felt light-headed.

I giggled as I staggered towards the house to get some sleep when my best friend placed his hand on my bare torso. I tried to push him away but I was too weak. He grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. Maybe it was the alcohol and marijuana but Louis looked...lovely. Those eyes, his messy hair and his pink lips.

He kissed me and it caused my head to spin even more. It was the weirdest thing I had ever done but it felt...good. I responded and kissed him too and it got so heated that we could not feel the chilly wind anymore.

He dragged me to the master bedroom which was tidier than the rest of the apartment and he locked us in. We made out on his bed. Our hands exploring each others bodies as our tongues tasted new flavours. He then let me pin him down and dominate him as I did to girls many times before.

But this was different. For the first time, I felt an emotional connection and not like any of my random hook-ups. It felt...sacred and nothing like I ever felt before... When it was all over we could not let go so we fell asleep in each others arms. In euphoria, somewhere in paradise.

I was awoken very early the next morning with pain. A deadly hangover and kicks of reality. I scampered around the apartment looking for my clothes while skipping the disgraced forms of girls strewn all over the living room in deep sleep.I left as fast as I could and arrived home.

I snuck into my bedroom and discovered it was 5:45 in the bloody morning. I fell on my bed and tried to get my racing thoughts in order. Since I could not fall asleep I disrobed and turned on my shower and sat in it on the cold hard floor in my guilt and endless misery."

Harry realizes that his face is bathed in tears.

"Wow! I'm sorry mate. I didn't know you went through...so much?" Niall heaves a deep sigh. Poor guy! No wonder he shut himself up for all that time.

Niall feels like a psychologist as he watches Harry stare at the ceiling from a lying position in his bed. "How do I tell my mom? How do I tell her that I...m'not straight...where do I start?"

"Whenever you're ready ... don't rush it."

Harry began crying again. "Niall...this is life's way of ...punishing me."

"I know this is the wrong time but...do you have...feelings for Lou?"

Harry's sobs stilled. After a minute of solemn thinking. " I...guess...so...we kissed recently and all my anguish came flooding back." He rolled to his side and hugged his knees, crying again. Niall got to his feet and cursed Louis under his breath.

He felt betrayed that his two best friends concealed this from him. So the blonde slapped curly across the face, making him sit up on his bed with a puzzled expression. But then Harry was the real victim. Louis betrayed their friendship big time and turned the once mighty Harry Styles into an emotional wreck.

"You need to get a hold of yourself, Styles. Misfortunes will always come your way but you need to man up. Wallowing in tears never changed anything and you can't alter your past. Move the fuck on and stop being a cunt!"

"But you know," Niall's tone dramatically changed into a softer one as he took Harry's hand, "There is one thing I am grateful for. What happened to you brought you back to earth. You're a much better person and not the jerk you were. You are more thoughtful and humble. Look at you now, you spend time with your mom, not strangers and booze."

Harry does agree. He has changed for the better. "And about your feelings. Own them. Don't be ashamed of who you are. You know isolating yourself won't 'straighten' you. I am always here for you and I will never leave because I am not homophobic."

Harry was speechless. "Promise me you will have a serious talk with that asshole, Louis. Let him know of the bullshit he put you through. I hate to tell you this but I have a feeling you're not the first guy he's slept with."

Niall finished his speech by embracing his friend. "Thanks for this." Harry's voice was hoarse from crying." You are a lifesaver."

"You're just lucky I love you. I don't waste my time on fools. G'night Harry." The Irish blonde left.

"Harry!! Come down dinner won't eat itself !!" Anne yelled from the kitchen, ten minutes later. Harry groaned but headed to the bathroom to wash the tear stains from his face. He slips on his reading glasses to obscure his puffy eyes and skipped downstairs.

-Finally the cat is out of the bag😥

- Will Harry make a positive or negative change in his life?

- Isn't Niall the best friend ever?😁

- Tons of Love😘

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