15. Every Eve

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Beats: Part of me ~ Katy Perry

Harry cried his eyes raw that entire afternoon to early evening in his getaway. Yes, he was back to the lake in the woods. He dragged himself closer to the water mass, lying on his stomach. A few of his tears dropped on the surface, causing little ripples. He hated himself for being so weak and being such a cry baby. Somehow he wished he could ressurect the douchebag Harry.

He dipped his fingers into the water doodling his name on it. Maybe he wasn't destined to find love and didn't deserve to have a happy relationship. Is there any point coming out now? For who? The water calms and he sees his reflection in it. Of course! How could he have been so blind?

He swiftly gets on his feet and pulls his shirt off. Then his pants and his shoes. He folds them neatly, taking his precious time and exhales.He places the neat bundle on the green grass and slowly dips his feet into the water.

He walks step by step until the water reaches his knees. His waist. His chest. His shoulders. Then his neck. He shuts his eyes and prays that Anne would be strong enough to go through this. "Don't even think about it."Harry gasps, pulling his halfway immersed head out of the lake.

"What the fuck! Can't someone take a swim in peace?"

"We both know that was not your intention." The eerie voice came smoothly.

"Shut the fuck up! You don't know me and you never will! I don't care who the fuck you are so stop bothering me! You better keep hiding cause if I find you I'll rip out your balls and feed them to you!"He climbs out of the lake trembling with rage and cold. He slips into his clothes and sighs.

At the distant end of the lake across him, he could make out a man sitting on the ground with his head hang low. Unfortunately, the setting sun was behind the man so he could not see his features, only a silhouette. "I...am sorry for ...my outburst. I was just frustrated." Harry's throat is hoarse from all the yelling. The figure barely moves and Harry exhales deeply. "I guess I'm not good at containing my emotions. Please forgive me for taking it out on you. I just broke up with somebody tod-"

"You're rambling."

"I'm sorry," Harry chuckles, sniffling,"I'm Harry, Harry Styles, by the way."

"Sounds like a rockstar's name."

"Thanks. So, what are you?"

"I am whatever I am." The response came after a short pause.

"So, you like, live here?"

"Not exactly. But I am here, every eve."

Harry giggles."You mean every evening?"


"Thanks for...stopping me though." He coughs, pulling his knees to his chest.

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