I Got a Feeling Inside

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I cut open the screen covering the window and slide the glass up, slipping inside school. It was 4:30 in the morning, and I wanted to get this done before teachers started to arrive.

I walked down the hallways, to my homeroom. I was toting my duffel bag, backpack, and my suitcase, so being quiet wasn't really an option. Its Thursday, which meant I had art. Everyone in art hated me, simply because I could paint better than everyone else. I picked the lock on the door to the art room, went in, and grabbed a tube of red paint and a paintbrush. I went to Tiffany Peters' desk, who was about the bitchiest girl in the world, and painted "whore" on her desk.

  I pop a few smoke bombs into a couple classroom and write some stuff in the bathroom. Of course I don't care if people think its me. I'm done with school. I came yesterday, but I'm moving in with Keith and dropping out. As if anyone will notice I'm gone.

I trash the school up a bit more before going out the same way I came in. Its almost 5:30, so I walk several blocks through Wembley before I arrive at Keith's flat. I didnt get to help him move in, as my dad had went to the school and asked them to keep me there until he could pick me up everyday. That's what he went to school that one day for.

I use the key Keith gave me last night go get in, and I'm assaulted by a gross, moldy smell. I wrinkle my nose and walk around several garbage bags filled with Keith's stuff down the small hallway, past the bathroom and door labeled "Keith's room, Keep out!" I open the door to the empty bedroom, finding nothing except a matress (no bed), a small closet, and a dresser with a cracked mirror. Jeez, no wonder rent is so cheap.

  I drop my bags and search through Keith's stuff until I magically find a broom. I start sweeping my room, then make the matress, hang up my clothes, and try to make my room look, well, like someone other than a ghost lives here. I stick a few car air fresheners around, then open the two windows to let the nasty smell out. And now, on to the rest of the flat!


As I make some toast, I hear the door to Keith's room open and shut. I have spent the past three and a half hours cleaning the bathroom, kitchen, and living room, then I went out and bought some food, kitchen supplies, and more air fresheners. It was really cold in here, as I had to open all the windows, and we barely had any heat.

Keith stumbles down the hall, in a t shirt and boxers, shivering like a wet dog. Meanwhile I had on a long shirt and a coat, with the oven on and the door open. Keith immediately went to the oven to warm his hands.

"Why the hell's it so cold?"

"And a good morning to you, too. And I opened all the windows."

Keith gave me a cheeky grin. "Good morning. And may I ask why?"

"Have you smelled this place? Its like Dracula lived here for a century."

I begin to cut up some fruit while the waffles cook. I wasnt really a good cook, but I am not one who burns water. Keith leans his forehead against my shoulder. "I'm so cold! I should have stayed in bed!"

I grin. "Oh, be a big boy and deal with it, Moonie, you don't see me complaining."

Keith groans and starts back to his room. I shake my head and set the wobbly table for breakfast. I find myself getting that little feeling again. Damn, its a persistent little bitch. I drink some water to try and shake it, but it won't go away. I cant quite figure it. I kind of wish I had a girl to talk to, but Keith was my only friend. Certainly a girl would know about this stuff, right?

Keith reappears, wrapped in three blankets. I laugh and feel the feeling grow, grow into a warm, fuzzy feeling. What can it mean? Maybe its close to that time of the month-- wait, I remember a conversation I overheard between Tiffany Peters and her slutty friend, Becky.

"Oh my god, what about David Meyers? He's so hot!" Tiffany said to Becky.

"Or that guy who sits with Lindsey McCann, what's his name?"

"Jake... something, I can't remember."

"Oh, I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about him! I really like him," Becky said. The two notice me and walk away.

Butterflies in my stomach. Huh. Is it possible that I like Keith? But that can't be, I've known him almost six years! We're best friends, I cant like him. And besides, I've never liked anyone before in my life. Well, just as I thought things would get simpler, they go and get harder. Life is confusing, y'know?

A/N: I can't update tomorrow, I'm gonna be busy xx

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