Chapter Five

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Herobrine returned several hours later, wounded and bleeding, but intact.

You were informed by the Enderman who brought you back that you were, in fact, allowed to leave your room now that the attack was over. You didn't, though. You didn't want to see your husband any more today, mainly just because you were overwhelmed over everything that had happened.

Steve was almost certainly dead. There's very little chance Herobrine would let him make it out alive after he tried to rescue you again. Would he even try to come back? He had to see you weren't worth it, after this...  you're not worth losing all of his items again.

Your sleep is dreamless that night, and when you wake up there is a note lying at the end of your bed. When you examine it, you find it is a message from Herobrine, written in flowing cursive.


I realize that you may be alarmed and confused by yesterday's events. I apologize for not explaining it to you beforehand. Please find time today to stop by my bedroom, and I will tell you why you have been brought here.



Your heart pounds as you absorb the information on the sheet of paper. It was... honestly about time someone told you what was going on, but this was a rather abrupt change on his part. Could it be a trap...? Regardless, you don't think he would take kindly to you refusing, so you resolve to comply, get dressed, and head downstairs for breakfast.

Neither Steve nor Herobrine are anywhere to be found, so you spend the morning in an empty room thinking. Noon approaches - according to the clocks, at least, as there's obviously no visible difference in the Nether - and you eat again before heading upstairs to meet with your husband. The bloodstains, you note, are almost invisible. Maybe that was exactly the purpose of the reddish-brown carpet.

You make your way up to his bedroom, and knock timidly on the doors. There's no response, and you knock again, louder. Still nothing. You hesitate for a moment, then push the door open to reveal an empty room, lit by the soft light of glowstone scattered around on the walls and ceiling.

"Herobrine?" You call softly, glancing around the room. The bed is pristine, as are the carpets. There's no sign of the gory mess you saw just a couple days ago.

"Come in." You jump at the soft voice, and turn to see a pair of glowing eyes watching you from the corner. You know he wasn't there a second ago. Silently, you slip through the doorway, shutting the doors behind you before turning back to your husband.

"Sit down." He steps out of the corner and sits on the edge of the bed, his movements so robotic that he barely creases the sheets. Carefully, as it feels almost presumptuous to make noise in such a still and quiet place, you cross the room and sit down a half a foot to his left.

"You are aware of my status as ruler of the undead." He begins, eyes focused on the wall in front of him. "Therefore I'm sure you are wondering why the manor was attacked by such a large number of them yesterday." You nod. That's exactly what you've been wondering. "The answer is that a large portion of my kingdom have lost their faith in me. They discovered I am not the God I claimed to be." Duh. You knew that. "As such, they seek to replace me as their ruler."

"Why?" You break in without thinking. "Did you do something to them?"

"I... no, they simply believe that they no longer have to obey me." He shifts slightly. "I had hoped having a queen would help solidify my position as their king. So far it has not worked."

"Well to be fair," you interrupt once more. "Do they even know I exist?"

"I have made it clear."

"Still, they haven't ever seen me. Except those ones that tried to break into the castle." You pause. "And what difference would it make? Why would just being married make them more likely to obey you?"

"They discovered I am not a God, and as such decided I am not a suitable king. Unable to convince them otherwise, I went in search of other ways to solidify my position."

"That won't work." You protest. "If they're mad at you for lying, then shouldn't you be trying to regain their trust?"

"It is not the deception that caused them to lose faith in me, simply the revelation that I am not entitled to be their leader."

"So... maybe you should-"

"Y/N." He interrupts. "I asked you to come here so I could explain the situation to you - not so that you could attempt to solve my problems."

"Well sorry." You huff. "It's kinda my business, though - since you're a target and I'm your wife, I'm a target too."

"I know. That is why I promised to protect you." He looks at you for the first time, then raises an eyebrow, and you freeze as he reaches up and cups your face with one hand, sending an unexpected rush of tingles through your body. "You're pale." He states. "Your eyes are sunken. Have you been sleeping?"

"I- yeah." You stammer. "I mean, what else do I have to do all day?"

"Are you ill?"

"I don't think so."

"Hmm." He lets go of you, rubbing his chin - a surprisingly human gesture. "Ah, you need sunlight."

"Sunlight?" He... was right, though that hadn't occured to you. "Oh yeah, Nether."

"Come with me." He offers you a hand, pulling you to your feet when you take it. The room around you changes in a flash, and you blink in the sudden sunlight streaming through a window on the far side of the room. You look around in surprise to see a bedroom like the one you had just left, but built with wood and stone bricks. Through a glass window, you can see long grass surrounding a beaten path.

"Where-" You start, but your husband interrupts you, apparently having anticipated your question.

"This is a country mansion far from the access point in my Nether manor. You should not be found here." He follows your gaze to the window, and - amazingly - smiles. "You are free to roam the grounds. However, I cannot guaruntee your safety from mobs. I will send an Enderman to guard you and keep you from going too far."

"You're going back?" You turn back to him, trying to mask the hopefulness in your voice. He nods.

"I must take care of my troops. ḍ̴͂̈́͋ȅ̶͕̭̓̈͗̍̈͋̍̃̕͠͝r̴̬͎̬̖͈͂̃̑͛͊̋͌̓f̶̛͔̦̠̹̼̺̈́̆͛͛̃̆́̔͊̑̀̐͠͠ň̸̛̼̙̰̘̊̓̃̈͂̈́̾̍̕ä̶̻̱̖̼̖̪͙̪̟̙̞̀͗̀̐̀͛̋̆̿̈́̆͐̍͝M̴̘̱͙͍̫̣̩̲̳̏ will watch over you in my absence."

"What now??"

"Manfred, the Enderman you have spoken with before. He is a trusted friend of mine."

"Oh." He had friends?

"I will stop by from time to time to make sure you are well. Until then, my queen." He bows his head, then vanishes. You stand there for a few moments to make sure he's gone, then spin around and dash into the hallway. Finally, you were out of the Nether and far from danger. You weren't home, but at least it was a start.

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