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*a real life chapter*

It was a Friday night, Moon and Draco's 1 year anniversary (Idfk)
Draco was on his way home from shopping for a gift- a Diamond Ring.

As Draco entered the room he shared with the hufflepuff he saw something he never thought he'd see.

Moon Miller and Pansy Parkinson- kissing.

"What in the Merlin's beard is going on here?!" Draco yelled as the two girls separated with wide eyes.

"Draco-" moon started.

"No, you stupid, stupid git." Draco was now red.

"I was gonna give you a gift. a -a a diamond ring, for our anniversary. And this, THIS! Is what I come here to see. Pansy I thought of all things you'd- oh my god. My best friend and my girlfriend- EX-GIRLFRIEND i don't want to see you anymore. I can't believe this." Draco shouts. The last part softly said as Draco puts his hand over his mouth and turns and runs out the room leaving pansy and moon wide eyes looking at the door.

Draco was now in the hallways he could go to his godfather, snape. But then again he'd probably be sleep and won't want to be waken up at this time of night.

He keeps running and turns a sharp corner- with a hard stop. He freezes.

Draco could see Harry Potter in the hallway walking his direction. Draco backed up into a wall and slowly slid down it putting his hands in lap softly crying.

Harry approaches Draco and crouches down to his level and takes his hand and puts it on Draco's, causing Draco to look up then back down.

"Draco, whats wrong?" Harry says softly.

Draco didn't know why he did it but he looked up and told Harry everything.

At the end of the story, Draco was crying harder and Harry was hugging him?

"Should I get professor snape-" Harry asked about to stand up.

"No! I mean no don't get him he's probably sleep then he'd get my parents into this" Draco cried.

"Oh." Was all Draco could get out.

"Well, I share a dorm with Ron and he said earlier he was spending the night in Hermione's dorm so we could go there?" Harry said in a questioning tone. Harry didn't know what Draco would say back.

"Sure. " Draco said.

Harry was ... surprised , Relieved , happy , confused. Anyways.

Draco and Harry walked all the way to the shared dorm that belong to him and Ronald Weasley.

"I'll sleep on Ron's bed you can have mine. It's way more comfortable than rons'." Harry yawns and gets into Ron's bed as the two boys drift off to sleep.

𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆- 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺 not continuing. Where stories live. Discover now