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texts between: pansy and moon

"where would we put him? "

"shrieking shack? "

"perfect! you got everything ready?"

"of course"

-1 hour later-

"not to like- bring back memories but, what ever did happen to moon and pansy ¿" ron asks biting into his chicken .

it was dinner time at hogwarts and the regular group sat at their regular table, same spot.

"not like i'd care." draco groans.

"why are they staring at us like that?" hermione tilts her head to the side in confusion.

draco, harry, george and fred turn around in their seats to see moon and pansy glaring at them .

"this plan will be amazing and the ball is coming up fast draco won't even get to see his date" pansy snickered.

"right , and draco can give us a proper apology " moon smiles evilly

"let the fun and torture begin" pansy laughs and smiles looking over at the griffyndoor table.


"why are they doing that?" george turns back to the attention at his table.

"maybe their planning something wicked." ron blurts.

"don't even say that ron, knowing them it's gonna be bad" harry groans and drinks his juice.

"so who you taking to the ball?" draco blurts causing harry to spit out his juice.

"gross" blaise gags .

"i forgot you was here mate" neville scoots away.

"anyway, i know who i'm taking, who are you taking draco?" blaise asks.

harry looks up and back down .

"uHh harry most likely" draco says. you can see the flush of red on his cheeks.

'awws' and 'oooohs' were passed around the gryffindor table.

"i think we ought to head to bed guys." harry suggests looking away blushing as much as draco.

"suure." ginny coos.

they all get up and exit the great hall.
they all share a 'goodnight' and 'night mates' as they walk to their dormitories.

"wait-" harry says pulling draco a slide as the rest walk on.

"you really want to take me to the dance?" harry looked draco in the eyes.

"of course i do. i've been thinking about it for a while now." draco says returning the gaze to harry.

"aw cute, i want to go with you too. malfoy" harry jokes ruffing dracos hair.

"hey cut that out pOttEr" draco laughs.

little did they know pansy and moon was watching from a far.

"goodnight draco" harry smiles

"night harry" draco smiles back as they both turn around and walk separate ways.

"good thing they didn't see us" pansy gasps

"right. now let's get potter before he enters the dorms" moon says holding up a black bag to put over his head

it happens in a flash , all was heard was muffled screams .

"got em" was all that was heard from one of the girls.

idea from : owopotterheadowo

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