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"okay, let's go shall we?" hermione adds walking towards the great hall.

"yay, time to get stared at. again" harry calls with no enthusiasm.

"oh come on it can't be that bad" ron pushes the doors open to reveal themselves looking at a bunch of starting faces.

" 'iT cAnT bE thAt bAd' he says." draco scoffs and heads to the slythein table.

"wrong way, malfoy " harry calls.

"oh give it a break will you. i'm always sitting at your tabl-" draco catches the eye of moon sitting with pansy at the slytherin table.

"nevermind i can sit with you guys for the 1000th time."

"thought so. " harry sneers.

as they sit down they are given a glance by the weasley twins and percy.

"so, i never got the chance to ask, are you guys... dating by any chance?" percy asked sipping his pumpkin juice.

"blimey percy, talk about respecting privacy. " george, or fred calls. it's not like people can tell them apart-

"well to answer your question, we are not together-" draco starts

"yet" ginny whispers. hermione shoots a glare at ginny before giving her attention back on draco.

"anyway, we are not together weasley."

"this dance thingy is gonna be something else isn't it?" hermione questions.  they all nod.

"hey guys, have you seen my remembrall?" walking to the section they where all sitting at comes a confused neville.

everyone shrugs.

"i'll help you look for it neville" says ginny getting up and walking away with neville.

"is it just me? or is it quieter than usual?" harry puts his head up and looks behind ron to see everyone is starring at them.

"why yes ron it is but that's because everyone is looking directly at us. " harry informs.

"great. let's go before someone asks for an autograph. "

"i don't think they'd ask yOu for one" draco adds getting up from the table and walking off.

they all follow til they get as far away from the great hall as they can.

"so, i'll see you guys tomorrow?" draco asks.

harry nods.

"well, obviously" ron shakes his head in disbelief before turning with harry and hermione, after waving draco a goodnight, to the gryffindor common room.

"What a day" hermione adds before going up to the girls dormitories.

"right. okay goodnight mates" ron's voice was the last to be heard that night.

𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆- 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺 not continuing. Where stories live. Discover now