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You failed.

I was so lost in the negative scenarios created in my mind that I hardly realize Kylie clinging to my arm. I stumbled on my feet, leaning my body against hers as she dragged me down the hall as she snickered to herself.

"Get your head in the game, May!" Her voice finally became clear to me and I straightened my posture when I realized she was now dragging me into the conference room.

I took a swift glance inside the room through the glass panel, my eyes landing on my fellow intern friend sitting across from the chief of surgery as they were both fully immersed into a discussion. The stoic expression on both their faces and the harsh rubbing of the intern's palms against his thighs as he tried maintaining his jaw clenched was enough to know that he had failed his intern exam.

My head snapped back to Kylie who was patting down my lab coat and trying to weave a lose strand of hair back into my braided hair. "Kylie-"

"Hush!" She flicked her finger against my lips, earning a groan from me and a deadly glare. "None of that pessimistic shit. You're a genius and act like it."

I huff out a sigh, biting nervously on my bottom lip as if it were to bring me some relief.

Just as my mind began to wonder into a black hole of negative thoughts, the conference room door opened softly and the intern exists with a slight frown. My doe eyes watch as he waddled down the hall with his head sunk between his shoulders in disappointment.

"You got this." Kylie whispers as she softly pushes me inside.

"Take a seat, Kang."

• • •

I strutted down the halls in my new black scrubs.

I had started my shift in my ash grey uniform only for them to be replaced by a new pair of black scrubs just half an hour after my meeting with the chief. It was an official statement of achievement and a stepping stone to my residency and I wore them proudly.

The smile on my face widened when an arm was suddenly linked to mine and I was greeted by Ahn's flirty smirk, but what had caught my attention were the black scrubs he was sporting.

I squealed like a school girl, laughing afterwards when Ahn pulled me in closer to his side. "We are officially residents."

We each shared the same terrifying anticipation in the conference room with the chief, resulting in laugher as we reflected on our experiences. Ahn jokes about having to change into a new pair of briefs in addition to the new scrubs to which I swatted his head for making my laugh so hard that my cheeks were an annoying red.

"Kylie's making dinner for us tonight. I'm bringing wine." Ahn informed me, expertly walking backwards as if he had eyes on the back of his head.

I nodded, playing with the pen in between my fingers. "I'll bring dessert."

Ahn winked, swiftly turning on his feet and jogging towards the attending who had called him from across the lobby. I smiled as his smile grew wide from the congratulations he was receiving from the Orthopedic attending. It was the specialty he wanted to pursue and I knew hearing a congratulations from his mentor would certainly make his day a thousand times better.

Soon, the pair were out of my sight and my eyes scanned the room. I had yet to be assigned a new rotation schedule, and in the meantime, I was working on post-op charts that were ready to be discharged.

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