Authors Note

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Hello Everyone!

I'm Mount Palm and this is my twisted little version of My Hero Academia!

This chapter I'm going to do Q&A's about the book and then about the Anime that I totally don't obsess over...

You don't have to read through all of them but I would suggest reading the book information Q&A's- it will clarify timeline and general info. 

Q&A's About the Book:

Q: I'm afraid of spoilers! When is the book beginning in the series? 

A: Currently I'm writing from the end of season three! If you aren't there yet feel free to wait until you finish season three before starting this book or risk it! 

Q: Are all the characters going to be the same? Are you just changing the plot?

A: All the characters will be the same, depending on season four I might change some things but in general the plot up until this point will be the same! However, I will be adding new characters and experiences, that being said the story will be more based around another character rather than just Deku. 

Q: I've never watched My Hero Academia! Can I still read the book?

A: That's up to you! If you read up on My Hero Academia (Wiki or other.) you should be able to figure out most things, granted there will be some stuff you won't really get but you can always comment a question and I'll answer it! 

Q: Is this a love story Fanfiction or Purley plot related?

A: This is both! Now don't run the moment you hear 'love' the book is PG13 and its not for the point of shipping until you can't ship anymore. 

(Is that a thing? Not being able to ship anymore?)

This is mostly based through plot and action purposes but I do have a decent amount of romance-related interactions and rejections to keep things interesting!

If you're in it for one or the other you'll find a good mix I hope!

Q: Why do you spell it Shoto! You know its Shouto!

A: Technically yes it is! However, it can be Shoto if you have a long Ō symbol like this! However, due to technical issues I can't consistently use that O! I apologize if this looks wrong to some of you but that's how I prefer to write it. 

Q: Why are your chapter so short!

A: I have a difficult time writing and releasing longer chapters so it's easier for me to write short interactions in bursts- the long chapters can be a lot harder to manage! I know you'll probably get pelted with dumb ads and I apologize for that but if you turn airplane mode on your device and have the book in your library it will prevent that... maybe helpful? 

Q: What if I forget a name? Or I have a suggestion? I'm shy and don't really want to interact for a simple answer.

A: I will post a picture of the core characters and their names at the beginning of each chapter so you can refer to that if you don't know everyone's names! If you have a suggestion you can put it in the comments or ask me directly! 

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I promise I won't bite or get upset if you think I should have done something differently or there's a spelling error!

Alrighty then guys! That should clear anything up! If you have other questions don't hesitate to ask! If you're ready to read you can skip to the next chapter or if you want to know a little bit about me and my Anime habits stick around!

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Author Q&A;

Q: How many Animes have you watched?

A: 27

Q: What ones?


I've finished (Whats released so far):

Attack on Titan

Tokyo Ghoul



Seven Deadly Sins

Black Clover

Black Butler

Sword Art Online 1

Sword Art Online 2

Blood Lad


Code Geass: Lelouche of the Rebellion

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

Evangelion Neon Genesis

One Punchman

My Hero Academia

Soul Eaters

And lastly Noragami.


I've started watching but have yet to finish;

The Promised Neverland

The Records of Grancest War

The Bizzar adventures of Jojo


Cowboy Bebop


Dragonar Academy


And finally Naruto

Q: Do you watch Dub or Sub?

A: Okay so I know a lot of you will hate to hear this but I watch Dub!

My pitiful excuses: 

1) I never pay attention to the actual art when watching Subs and I love admiring the art!

2) I generally am getting ready in the morning or I'm doing Art when I watch Anime.

3) I am a close-minded swine.

Q: What's your top five favorite Anime?


1) Tokyo Ghoul

2) Attack on Titan

3) Black Butler

4) My Hero Academia

5) Noragami

Q: Who is your Husbando?

A: SHOTO TODOROKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q: Do you ship the weird ships?

A: Depends! Most of the time I ship who the show wants me to ship but thanks to NerdyJaz I can't stop shipping when I'm not supposed to!

Q: What Streaming services do you use for Anime and non-Anime? 

A: Netflix and Hulu are my go-to for anime mostly but I also have Amazon Prime, HBO and Youtube TV.

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That's all from me! Thank you guys for reading the book I hope you enjoy!

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