Hero Analysis for the Future: No. 13

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Leona Highrun Kobayashi

Class: 1-A 


It hadn't taken long to crack the code hidden in the 'captain letters'. It was a simple algorithm we had studied. The letters were annoying. Having to look through them every morning to see if there was anything of use in the word. Dirt on different people in class 1-A, dirt on some of the teachers, current ongoings in the states, but then today- Mother spare me, a Dual? Against my own no less. It made me sad. Fighting him was one thing, but to fight the brood? The thought didn't exactly sit well. And that last message, 'be alone', He knew I would directly disobey that last one, he wanted to see the people I've been assigned to, I brought the second tier in the Class 1-A hierarchy and Izuku. I wonder if Marie would be there.

We had been driving for about an hour thanks to morning commute traffic. It was an awful time to go to Chiba, and I would have preferred to go at night, but it would be a good way to catch up with the investors. I did have a reputation to uphold after all. Thinking about it, it had been at least a month since the last time I sat down and had a drink with Paul and Kem.

This wouldn't be a bad opportunity to introduce the Katakonbe to the others as well. Though the biggest reason for not waiting until after school was that damned Language arts test. I had no idea what I was doing to be completely honest.

I glanced around the silent van, quite other than the blast of cold air. Momo, Kirishima, and Uraraka had opted to sit in the very back, where Kirishima sat in the middle, sleeping like the dead, with his head on Momo's shoulder, who looked too embarrassed to wake him up. Uraraka stared out the window, occasionally sneaking a peek at Izuku, who sat in the other of the two seats in the mid-section of the van, muttering about notes for their next class. Mineta had crawled out of the backpack at some point and curled up on the floor between Izuku and I's seats, asleep like a cat. A weird, perverted, half purple cat.

I shook my wrist, the cloak falling off my arm, revealing my temperamental watch. I shook my wrist again. A third time before it finally turned on.

I scrolled through the limited, controlled, and utterly boring apps. The logo at the top, a white star with a red and black X through it flashed every few seconds, a circle with a one telling me I have a new message. Ignoring it I searched for my diagnostics. Low water intake. Fine. Protein intake over average- blame that on the amount of meat I had during dinner last night. Alcohol intake, we can just skip that one, here we are, Quirk Usage.


Holy shit. What was in those pills. I was at 7% last week. I needed a solid week to train, Override was going to kill itself if I kept using it so much. I looked up to see Midoriya staring at my watch with a horrified expression. He looked at me and quickly looked away. So much for him being absorbed in his notes. I sighed. This was just going to ruin my day.

I grabbed my backpack, digging through the second-largest pocket until I found the notebook. Handing it to Midoriya I looked forward as if I could see through the passengers' headrest saying, "You left it in my room this morning." I looked back at him, waiting for him to take it. He gingerly reached his hand out, I flicked my thumb, opening the notebook to the page he had used to analyze me. "Write it down while its still fresh right?" I said mildly irritated.

I couldn't tell you why it bothered me that he had taken notes on me, I mean he took down notes about everything- and I mean everything as far as I could tell. Short of his habits, I doubt there wasn't a thing he didn't have written down. People would pay good money to get their hands on the info he kept on other heroes, especially his classmates. You could find a good amount of information in school files I supposed, but he's fought them and fought with them, he's monitored little things that most people wouldn't have even thought of. Small things they were able to do in the heat of a fight, attack style, and where they started and how much they've improved.

It was fascinating really. So I guess my problem was how much of the notes on me contained little to nothing. I suppose he didn't know all that much. Yet I had a feeling he was purposefully avoiding putting some information on paper. But what? What did he hide? And from who.

He gently took the notebook. Glancing at me before closing it.

"Actually," He said. "I keep a separate one for your specifics."

I did a double-take between him and a new, smaller notebook he took from his utility belt. My half-hidden face must have given away my surprise because he handed it to me. All too aware that the girls in the back were watching I quickly snatched it.

I nestled myself back into my seat a little further, obscuring the pages from anyone's view but my own. The first few pages were about my sudden appearance, how I had threatened Katsuki right out the door, the opinion that the other people in the class seemed to have of me, and the atmosphere I presented. Not a happy one it seemed. I scowled. Then it got into my quirk. He really had written down everything. I snatched his pencil out of his hand and erased some things, writing in the correct information.

I was so immersed in the fact box he had built surrounding my capabilities I hardly noticed the driver had pulled the vehicle into an underground parking garage and halted the van. After quickly adding some information I shut the book, tossing it unceremoniously into Izuku's lap.

Millions of dollars worth of information on a high ranking CIA agent. That's what I had just thrown at him. Mother save me if he were to lose it.

I unbuckled my seat belt and swiveled look at the others. They were all waiting for me to take the lead and explain where the hell we were, even Kirishima and Mineta were awake. I sighed.

"We are about to enter Katakonbe." Or, the Catacombs. "Don't drink anything unless I tell you to. Don't talk to anyone unless I tell you to. Don't use anywhere close to you quirks full capabilities if you have to use them at all. I would rather you lose and suffer a blow to your pride then allow them to get an accurate reading on your capabilities. Above all don't tell anyone your name, your hero name, or where you go to school." I quickly added, "Or your age. Especially that."



"You can count on us!"

"I'm not sure I like this."

"No worries!"

At least the boys were on board. I shouldn't have even had them go in their hero costumes.

"Momo, do you think you should whip up some cloaks like mine? And some basic black masks for you, Kirishima, and Uraraka?" She nodded, thankfully. Once we all had donned on the new gear (which is not easy to do in a van of seven people may I add), including Mineta who looked like a low budget five-year-old on Halloween, we piled out of the van. I quickly scooped Mineta up and held him like a baby under my cloak, suppressing the urge to drop him upon hearing his pervy comments.

"Consider yourselves my bodyguards," I said. "Jenson. Lead the way." My driver started walking. I never bother to keep track of where the entrance was. Down the stairs, down down down, around, through hallways, down more and finally, a metal door. Jenson pulled out my security card, swiping. The door clicked, opening. The smell of home rushed to greet me. 

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