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Class: 1-A

I was expecting a dark, grimy, and foreboding bar scene, instead, I was met with a pleasant, dimly lit luxury... well almost like an extended sitting room. Booths sat in alcoves, curtains were pulled over a few, a small bar sat at the backside of the room, and scattered throughout were fireplaces, couches, chairs, rugs, and a few pool tables. Waiters and Waitresses walked around carrying drinks and a few appetizers but no full meals. The low purple lighting made it difficult to easily make out faces, shapes, and people. It took a moment to realize that the room was made from white grey and dark pastels. The walls were pitch black, much like Leonas cloak they devoured light. Soft jazz music played, everything seemed... calm.
Leona walked over to a booth, no hesitation or waiting. She pulled the curtains away from the concealed seats, revealing two men sitting down. One with his head tilted back howling a laugh that caused people to look over, and the other suppressing a laugh glancing at- oh, there was a woman too. I had to do a double-take. Was she really sitting there a second ago? She had dark hair pulled back in a bandana and pale skin that looked practically white in comparison to her lips. Dark red lips. Curled up in a vicious smile.
Leona snarled. "Get lost." The men objected, one throwing his hands in the air as they both cursed her. The woman slid out of the booth with feline grace. Her face revealed no emotion as she slipped away disappearing behind a corner.

"We were having fun Koba!" One complained.

"Damn shame." She purred. "Now move." She said jerking her head to the side.
Grumbling, on moving to the other side of the half oval booth freeing up plenty of space.
Leona looked to us, holding her hand out as a command to go ahead and sit down. We did, our movements stiff and cautious. When we were all piled in she glanced around the room before sitting down, closing the curtains behind her.  "Paul, Kem." She said as a way of greeting.

"Gonna wear that trash bag the whole conversation?" The one she had addressed as Paul asked.
She scoffed. They hadn't taken a single look at us or our dark outfits. None had tried to look under our hoods to get a glimpse of our faces. We were little more than bodyguards.
She removed her hood, that dark makeup looking even more threatening in the dim purple light, the curves on her face were so sharp, her features were relaxed, no scrunched, no scowl, but her eyes.
Her eyes were dark, a look I had seen once before. When she explained override to the class, as soon as Deku looked away her eyes became dark.
Even so, a spark, a flicker of fire glimmered.

"So Koba. What brings you home?"
Leona stiffened. Home? An American having this place referred to as home?

"I have a check-up in an hour or so." She responded smoothly

"Ah. Hows the job going?" Leona crossed her arms. Leaning back into the booth she kicked her feet up on the table. The action didn't surprise Paul and Kem, who merely moved their drinks to make room.

"Well. Its been going fine. I've yet to be assigned a person, and this was just to get me out of the CIAs hair until the Brood deal blows over. I've met some interesting folks but I've decided to keep the logs to fact."

"Getting emotions are we?" Kem asked. Leona scoffed.

"On the contrary. But if they knew the shit I was teaching I'd get taken out and put on runt work."
We were right here. She knew that. Was she trying to tell us something, or did she really have that little regard to what we knew? No. This was an agent. I glanced at Deku. I could only see his mouth underneath the hood, but it was easy to see the vague movement of muttering. Good. He would figure this out.

"On the other hand." She continued. "There's a certain person I've taken quite an interest in." I had to dig my nails into my hand to keep myself from looking at Deku. It had to be him. She sat next to him, talked to him. Sparred with him like he was an equal, when they trained she threw everything she had at him. But when it was someone else. She merely played with us until she got bored. Feline to the very core. I guess it didn't matter it's not like I was jealous or anything, right? I could feel my cheeks go warm. "He's talented." Why would I be jealous?  "Strong." I had no reason to be. "Smart." It's not like a like liked him... "But he's... quirky." No way.

"This the one who saw you take down the Nomu?" Paul asked, swirling his drink. Leona chuckled. Not an answer, but... taken down a Nomu?

The curtain opened with a snap.

"Override." A tall man with dark black hair stood at the opening.
Leona didn't bother to look at him. She opted instead to take a long, boring drink from Kem's glass. Something that definitely wasn't apple juice.

"Four eyes!" Paul exclaimed. "Long time no see my man! How's babysitting going."

The man glared at Leona. He looked to paul and Kem, arms crossed across his lean chest. "Marie is on a two-week block. So hell. Its hell."

Leona chuckled. "You're early Cross."

"Brood wants to see you." She paused, the ice in her glass clicking as she stopped it at her lips. She slowly lowered it, her feet sliding off the table while she sat up.

"I'm on probation." She said, her voice little more than a whisper.

"And I'm off the clock for the next fifteen so move your ass." He turned away and started walking.

"Been a pleasure gentleman." She said, pulling her hood over her face.

"Say hi for us" Paul said giving a half-hearted wave.

"Next shipment will be in a week in Koba." Kem said sliding his glass back over to his spot.

She dipped her head as she slipped into the crowd.

"Uhm... you guys going to go with her?" Paul asked.

"Oh! Right!" Deku said, shooting out of his seat following after her the rest of us on his heels.

"Momo, did you understand any of that?" Kirishima asked quietly.

Momo shook her head. "No, but maybe Midoriya will know, they spend enough time together he might understand what they were saying."

Yeah. They did spend a lot of time together.

Down some halls and a few flights of stairs, the walls became concrete, the lighting dim a flickering. The smell of mildew and must was so present it was hard to imagine fresh air ever came down here.
We got to a black door, she turned to us and just said "This is a quirk at work. So don't get any weird ideas."

Then she opened the door walked in, leaving it open for us to follow

To Be A Villains Legacy (My Hero Academia)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя