A game

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Class: 1-A 


It was a little before six when I made my way to the top floor of the dorms, not at all knowing what to expect. Light danced across the roughly carpeted hall, the source of brightness pouring in from the window.

When I reached the door I wondered what I was even doing. I stared at my hand ready to knock on her door- I put it down and made to turn around when I heard a muffled "Come in." I froze a bit, she couldn't possibly have heard me out here could she?

I opened the door, the hinges squeaking as I did. I walked in assaulted by the smell of cooking meat. It smelled good but what on earth was she cooking? Her slider onto the balcony was wide open, a breeze chasing the smell off. Leona stood over a small stove with an apron on. Bacon sizzled in a pan, another pan contained eggs and the other... had something entirely unidentifiable.

She looked up smiling. "Morning Midoriya." She said. "How are you?"

"Uhm, fine thanks... "

She chuckled. "I suppose you're quite confused. Is it not customary to invite someone over for breakfast." It wasn't customary but I supposed it was uncommon to an extent. "Pah." She waved off her question unconcerned of the answer.

Throwing food on two different plates she handed me one. "Join me." She said not really giving me a choice at this point. Her dorm was the same as everyone else's, but it was painted and decorated in an odd way. How had she had time to move everything in here already?

It looked like she had been living here for years, a warm feeling of tranquility laced through the place. Quite a contrast to what I had seen of her. Going from cold and tough to almost girlish. I reminded myself she could probably kill me with a plate. The thought didn't exactly sit well. I took the food and followed her out, she grabbed the rolling chair at her desk tugging it out to the balcony and plopping down.

I sat in the rocking chair across from her setting my plate on the small side table.

"Leona-" She put up a hand.

"Eat first. Tell me what you think and then we can talk." I glanced at the mystery food. "And don't worry it's not poisoned." She added quickly. I hadn't thought of that but I probably should have.

I took a bite of the yellow mystery food first, and surprisingly it was sweet. "Its mush." She explained. "Corn smashed to bits. Fry it and put some syrup on it and it can be quite tasty." I nodded in agreement.

Everything else was equally good. We ate in silence. At some point, I noticed some music was playing. It was American pop that I wasn't sure I recognized.

We were both watching the sunrise and I became curious as to how she had learned to cook so well. When I asked she smiled to herself. "I stole a cookbook from my superior officer." She admitted. My eyes widened at the thought. "When he found out he told me he would flay me alive if I couldn't cook perfectly. Apparently it was his grandmother's, but he didn't like cooking so he let me keep it as long as I would cook for him. After that, I caught on and got decent at the skill wanting to keep my skin." I thought about it a moment.

"Midoria, let's play a game." She said it with the same gentle eloquence she had been speaking to me all morning, however, now as she spoke there was something to it that reminded me of Toga. "It's simple. I'll answer one of your questions, then you can answer one of mine."

It was a trap. Yet... there was something that was bothering me. Something I wanted to know.

"What Todoroki, Kacchan and I saw, felt... that.." I took a breath, "That was your past wasn't it? One of your memories?" I said looking at her.

She nodded her head slowly, confirming it for herself almost. Her eyes were looking out at the sky still, refusing to meet my gaze, or too busy in her own thoughts to notice. "I needed something to shake you enough." So she used a memory that no doubt shook her still. She offered no more information, but I supposed I hadn't asked for specifics.

One other question nagged at me. But I wouldn't ask. The thought of her screaming All Might when I had come after her with a maxed out punch.... I didn't want to contemplate how she had connected us. A problem for later.

"My turn." She said. I very suddenly regretted my decision to ask. I mean the possibilities, the deep secrets, the embarrassing stories she could ask about, my stomach dropped like Kacchan and Todoroki were about to try and beat me to irreparable means."What percent of your quirk do you use?"

"Seven." The words came out before I even had time to contemplate what she just asked. Something about her seemed so familiar like it wasn't odd to tell her a secret that even my classmates don't know.

She nodded. Slowly.

"How fast is seven percent?" This time she looked at me and something in her eyes gleamed.

"Uhh....." I responded feeling flustered, not knowing how to answer her.

"How about this, is it faster than me?" I looked up just in time to see her hop over the railing of her balcony.

My feet moved before my head did, and then I was on the ground at the foot of the building holding Leona.

Laughing she took a break saying; "That was fun." Before I could react to anything she had just said she continued, throwing a new challenge in my path. "But can you get back up?" Lightning surrounded my body as I launched off the ground back onto her balcony. I hopped out from my hold with a satisfied grin on her face.

"Beautiful control." She admired. "Look you completely wrecked the grass down their but look at the balcony! Not a single indent. Interesting indeed."

"You owe me three answers," I said. She turned around confused. I took a breath and with as much confidence as I could muster, I said, "1) How fast is seven percent. 2) How about this, is it faster than me? 3.) But can you get back up?" I took a breath thankful I didn't stumble over my words and make a fool of myself.

She pouted for a second but then smiled. "Alright. I'll concede to that if you do the dishes."

I nodded a little too enthusiastically. "Deal." 

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