Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


I was aching all over and could feel bruises setting into my skin. My head pounded in pain and I wanted to scream for help, it was too late. Nobody could un-do what had just happened to me, and nobody could erase my memory. My eyes were scanning the room seeing no sign of this man. I had been left alone in here for about 3 hours and I was petrified to leave. I didn’t know if he was home or if he had left. He could be standing outside the door right now for all I know. The room was dark though, very dark, the only light coming from the hallway. I couldn’t stand being here, and by here I mean earth.

I heard walking down the hallway and instantly my heart beat quickened. I held my breath hoping he wouldn’t open the door, and luckily he didn’t. Instead I heard the front door open and close. This was my shot. I could leave.  I can get out of here. I got off of the bed; the adrenaline coursing through my body ignored the pain that I felt everywhere. I grabbed my jeans and pulled them on along with my shirt. I picked up my shoes not wanting to put them on in case they made more noise while I walked down the hallway. I rushed out there, holding my breath as I stepped down the stairs. The front door was only inches away from me, but it swung open.

I made a quick decision and hid behind the wall. I heard his footsteps going to the stairs which were right behind me. I felt like he was going to hear me heart beat it was so loud and quick. I swore to myself trying to get myself to stop panicking. I heard him stepping up the stairs so I made my chance to escape. I leapt to the door and swung it open. I heard a cough behind me, only causing me to freak out more. I ran out of there as fast as I could.

“I wouldn’t go telling anyone about this Kellin!” He shouted after me “Wouldn’t want Vic getting hurt now would you?” He kept yelling, different reasons after different reasons. I wasn’t listening; I just needed to get out of here. I reached into my pocket, keys, phone, and wallet still intact. Oddly enough that he wouldn’t take them. I got into my car and turned it on; my breathing was so rapid it felt like I ran a mile and my hands were shaking like I had 12 cups of coffee. It took me a few tries but I got the keys into ignition. I was gone. It was over.

Tears were falling from my eyes and I thought that I was going to get in a car crash from my lack of vision. I probably should have pulled over but I couldn’t, I had to get away. I was going over the speed limit everywhere trying to simply get back home faster. My phone started ringing, and I expected it to be Vic. So without bothering to look, I answered.

“Hey Kellin, I just wanted to remind you not to tell Vic. I’m sure you agree with me when I say you don’t want all of his bones broken, do you? One more thing, while you were passed out, I made a visit to your home. You guys should probably work on security.” It was him. It was the devil, asshole, and killer, everything I could think of. He spoke sounding so confident and hung up. I dropped the phone. It landed on the ground near my feet. He was in the house, in the room. How could the guys not have noticed him there!?! I made a turn down the street, heading to my old home, the one which I had sworn I would never spend a night in again, to sleep. I couldn’t go home, not with these thoughts in my head.

If Vic found out, I don’t even want to think about that. I’m no longer his. I’m no longer faithful to him. I had been raped by someone. I’m not his pure Kellin anymore; instead I’m this dirty piece of filth that has been raped by someone. I felt used, worn out, broken, bitter, and most of all. I felt numb. My body was nothing but a canvas for depression. I wanted out of this life. Out of this mind. I wanted it all too end. I parked on the street and walked up to the house, I was glad that I had hooked the keys to this place on my ring with my car keys. I unlocked the dark and silent building. The only noise was my heavy breathing, heartbeat, and the creeks of the door and floor.

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