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Your answers are also inside yourself , you just need to find them”

-Kim Namjoon


"Hobi, you have to help befriend with Jennie." I told Hobi, more like a favor.

He just looked at me with such confusion in his eyes. Hesitance is evident just by looking at him.

"Hyung, I can help you to be friends with her but I can't help you steal her from Lisa. They're inseparable." he let out a deep sigh as he pats my not so wide shoulders. As expected, he's too pure to do such horrid thing.

"Look, I'm not going to steal her. I'm just going to make her fall in love with me and that's completely different from stealing." I explained, staring directly to his eyes to look more convincing.

"Fine." he sighed as a sign of defeat. Knew it, he can't resist a friend in need.

I dragged Hobi to the direction where Jennie and her girlfriend Lisa is and obviously, they were flirting with each other. Lisa is planting playful kisses on Jennie's lips and that sight annoyed the hell out of me.

To be honest, they don't look good together because in my own honest opinion, Jennie and I will look cute together. Wow I'm improving so much by boosting myself.

We're in front of them already and both girls gave us a what-do-you-need look. They finally stopped flirting.

"Err, umm, h-hi Lisa! It's been a while isn't it?" Hobi stammered, showing an awkward look on his face.

"Have you forgotten? We did a dance cover last week so I don't think it's been a while Hobi." Lisa chuckled as she rolled her eyes. She shifted her attention from Hobi to me, "You don't look familiar, who are you?" asked Lisa.

"Oh he's my best friend." Hobi nudged me by his elbow, telling to introduce myself.

"Hi, Lisa. My name is Yoongi. I don't go out often unless it's work." I casually said while my eyes locked on Jennie who is very quiet and shy.

Lisa nodded, "Oh, by the way, this is my girlfriend. Introduce yourself babe." She encouraged Jennie to speak by winking at her.

"Hi, Hobi. It's nice to see you again." She shook hands with Hobi and damn, even her voice sounded like an angel from above, it made my heart flutter. I can't believe I just said that.

Jennie turned and shook hands with me. "Hi, Yoongi. It's nice to meet you."

Her hand felt so soft and it fits perfectly with mine. I was so mesmerized that I didn't realize I was shaking her hands for a whole 23 seconds.

Dang, I made everything so awkward. Jennie must find me weird and Lisa wants to murder me, for sure.

"You know what? I forgot, Yoongs and I left something in our house. It's nice seeing you guys!" Before I even had the chance to speak, Hobi pulled me away from them.

"Hyung, I can help you in everything but not this. I don't think I can do it. Damn it, just pick any girl excluding Jennie." Hoseok nagged like an old woman as he packed our things. What he just said had me speechless. What? Why?

Hoseok, you prick. I just lost my chance to Jennie!

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Thank you for reading~~

I'll do my very best to make this story worth reading~

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