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“Even if you don't have a dream, it's okay, it's okay. It's possible not to have one, just be happy.”

-Min Yoongi


A brand new day has come and me, Min Yoongi has to go again to work as a producer at BigHit Entertainment. Oh, did I mention that I check Jennie's Instagram to see if she has an update to start my day? Well, it feels like I'm a loyal fan of a celebrity who wanted to be always updated about their life.

Grabbing my wallet and headphones and I'm ready to go. My workplace is nearby, just a few blocks from my apartment that's why I always walk to get there and besides, I love walking with my headphones on because I have a little alone time.

I was humming to Daniel Caesar's best part as I move forward. "If life was a movie oh you're the best part..."

A convenience store has an inviting look so I decided to have my breakfast there since I'm too lazy to cook. I scanned the shelves and I'm having a hard time to choose one. In the end, I decided to go with ramyeon and gimbap. A highly recommended food to eat in a convenience store.

I was waiting for my ramyeon to cook in the counter when I took a bite on my gimbap. When the ramyeon is finally cooked, I went to the tables.

As I get nearer to the table area, I can clearly hear soft sobs and it turns out that there is a girl crying beside the chair I was going to. I placed my tray down the table and took a deep breath. Her head is facing down and had her palms glued to her face, covering it.

Should I ask her or should I just ignore her?

Her sniffing and crying echoed the whole place for there is only the three of us, the cashier, me and her and it's  disturbing my conscience that I can't even start eating my food. I have this strong feeling that she just came from a break-up like those cliche scene you can only see in movies.

That's it!

I reached for her elbow, tapping it a bit. "Hey, are you alright?"

I'm not the type of person to talk to strangers especially to this kind of situation right now.

She didn't budge.

"I won't hurt you. Is there something I can do to help you and stop you from crying?" I said in the kindest way possible so that I won't scare her. I cringed at the thought of being nice and my voice sounded like I'm trying to hard.

The girl removed her palms from her face and raised her head that was facing down before. She tilted her head to my direction, staring directly to my eyes, still with tears.

I dropped my chopsticks out of surprise, my eyeballs almost popping off. I was speechless for a second.

Holy fucking Yoongi...


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