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My eyes fluttered open and I sat bolt upright, looking around in confusion.

"Where am I?" My voice sounded raspy, and I suddenly grew very parched.

"Nicholas! Thank God you're okay!"

I was tackled into a hug, adding on to my confusion. When I recognized the familiar dark brown hair, I relaxed, realizing that this was only Arden. However, as soon as the relaxed feeling came, it disappeared and I pushed Arden off of me.

"What's going on?"

"You're in one of our guest rooms," she answered.

"Okay," I said with an eye roll. "Care to explain why?"

"I'm so sorry," she apologized.

I was about to make a smart ass remark, but I remained quiet when I saw her blotchy face. "Were you crying?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I'm so, so sorry, Nicholas!" Arden then burst into a fresh set of tears.

To say I was confused as fuck was an understatement. "What happened? Why are you crying?"

Arden wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. "I didn't mean to, I swear I didn't mean to! But I accidentally hit you with my car...again."

"What?" I exclaimed.

"Hear me out," she pleaded. "I took Gavin out for ice cream, because he burped the theme song for The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." When I gave her a confused look, she continued talking. "Gavin said he could, but I didn't believe him. So I said if he could do it, then I'd take him out for ice cream. He actually burped the theme song pretty well..."

"That still doesn't explain why you hit me. Are you just that reckless of a driver?" I demanded.

Arden scowled at me. "Anyways, while I was driving back home from the ice cream shop, Gavin started whining like the big baby he is, saying that he didn't want his vanilla cone. Instead he wanted my mint chocolate chip ice cream."

I made a disgusted face. "I hate mint chocolate chip."

"Then you're clearly not human," she deduced. "Like I was saying, Gavin tried taking my cone from me, so naturally, I wouldn't give it to him, because it's my favourite flavour. He should've gotten that instead of vanilla, right?" When I didn't reply, she continued. "Long story short, we began fighting. I wasn't paying attention to the road and I crashed into you."

"So how did I end up here?" I asked suspiciously.

Arden gave me a sheepish smile. "Well, you were unconscious, so it wasn't like I could take you to the hospital without explaining what happened. By the way, your health card picture is hilarious! You look like an elf!" Arden waved my health card in front of my face while giggling. I reached out to get my health card back, but Arden retracted her arm back, making me grab a fistful of air. This continued for a few minutes until I finally swiped it away from her. "Sorry," she muttered when she noticed the glare I was giving her.

"So let me get this straight. You didn't want to get into trouble for hitting me with your car again?" I pretended to think for a moment. "Maybe I should tell your dad the truth."

Arden's face instantly paled. Her face grew so pale, vampires would've been jealous. "Please don't do it, Nicholas; I'm begging you! I'll do anything!"

"Hold onto that thought for a moment," I told her. "What were you saying about taking me to the hospital?"

"Oh, yeah, so we brought you here and took you to one of the guest rooms."

The Nerdiest Bad Boy [UNDERGOING EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now