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Lunch was about to end by the time I returned to the pizza place. I was just about to enter when I saw a three girls exit the café beside it.

"Doesn't the cappuccino taste amazing?" the blonde girl said to the brunette.

"This is one of the best cafés here!" the redhead exclaimed.

"You're right," the brunette agreed, taking a sip of the cappuccino. "This tastes great!"

Those girls walked past me, but we didn't spare each other a second glance. I opened the door of the pizza place, making the bell ring. The three girls turned around and I mentally slapped myself when I heard one of them call my name. I swear, if they were one of Amanda's friends...

"Nicholas?" one of the girls called out. "Is that you?"

I immediately recognized the voice and I froze. Crap. If she saw me like this-

She placed her hand on my shoulder and I had no choice but to face her. Arden gasped when she saw the cuts and scrapes on my face. "I'll see you girls later," she told her friends. They nodded understandingly and left. I was about to sneak away, but I was caught by Arden. "Not so fast, Nicholas."

I gave her a sheepish grin. "Hey, Arden."

"What happened to your face?" Her eyebrows were knitted in concern.

I wracked my brain as I tried to think of an excuse. "Bullies are, uh, pretty ruthless..."

She covered her hand with her mouth. Arden then surprised me by giving me a hug. "Aww, I wish I had known before. I wouldn't have been so rude to you if I knew," she told me, her voice sounding muffled since it was pressed against my shoulder. "Now I know why you're so rude," she mused. "You don't want to let anyone in. Aww, Nick!"

I pushed her away from me. "Okay, that's enough."

"Come, let's get you cleaned up," she suggested. Arden grabbed my hand and led me to her car. We sat inside and she began driving the opposite direction from our school.

I raised my eyebrows. "We have to get back to school."

"Your health is more important."

"All right, Mother," I muttered sarcastically, knowing better than to fight with her. I really hated females sometimes...


"Come," she said once we reached her house. Arden enveloped her warm hand in mine and we entered her house, going directly upstairs. "Let's go to the first aid room," she suggested. Once we entered the room, I immediately let go of her hand. Arden made me sit on a chair while she fetched supplies for my cuts. "Okay, this may sting a little-"

I rolled my eyes. "Just put it on." She did as I said and applied the rubbing alcohol onto my wounds. It stung like hell, but I wasn't going to let it show, so I kept a stoic expression on my face.

"You're tough," she noted. Arden then applied bandages to my cuts. She gave me a quick inspection when she was finished. "All good," she said approvingly.

I scratched the back of my head. "Uh, thanks."

She beamed at me. "Don't worry about it."

I awkwardly stood up. "So, I think I'll leave now?"

"Why don't you just stay here?" she suggested. "I mean, you'll get a late if you come to school now."

I pondered over the idea. As much as I hated to admit it, Arden was right. I couldn't go now; getting a late would've ruined my record of always being on time!

The Nerdiest Bad Boy [UNDERGOING EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now