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I spent forever think my whether I should call the number or not. This was a life and death decision.

Actually, it wasn't. I didn't hesitate at all to call the number. The sooner I found out Graham was cheating on my sister, the quicker she'd break up with him and everyone would be happy. Well, except for Amanda and Graham...

I pulled out my cell phone and I dialled the number. It rang a few times before the call was answered.

"Hello?" a girl asked on the other line.

"Hi." I glanced down at the slip of paper. "Is this Justine?"

"Yeah," she answered. "Who's this?"

"Do you happen to know a Graham Walters?" I continued, ignoring her question.

"Yeah, I do," she replied. "But who are you?"

"I'm his friend," I lied. Man, it actually pained me to say that. I would never be friends with a bastard like him.

"Oh. Nice to meet you," she said politely.

"Say, do you know where Graham is right now?" I inquired. "We were supposed to go to the movies tonight." I had to fight the urge to gag. As if I'd ever go to the movies with him!

"Yeah," she responded. "He's on his way to my place."

I was almost certain Justine was Graham's girlfriend, but I had to confirm it first. "Are you Graham's cousin or something?" I had to ask.

Justine burst into laughter. "Cousin? Of course not! I'm his girlfriend."

"Nice to know." I was definitely telling Amanda. Was I classified as an awful brother because I was happy to ruin my sister's relationship? Of course now! I was a lifesaver. "How long have you been dating Graham?" I asked Justine.

"For about a month," she told me.

"Interesting," I mused. Now that I found out what I wanted to know, there was no point in talking with her anymore. "Anyways, I have to get going..."

"Should I tell Graham you called?" she inquired.

"Sure," I said. "Tell him it was Dick."

"Your name's Dick?" It was evident in her tone that she didn't believe me.

"My name's Richard," I said automatically. "But you know, a nickname for Richard is-"

"Yeah, I get it," she said. "I'll tell him you called...Dick."

"Great, thanks." I hung up my phone and I finished changing into my clothes. I then opened Amanda's bedroom window, and I threw Graham's jeans outside. Who knew how many STDs were in there?

After I was done, I put the bracelet and the slip of paper with Justine's number and I slipped it into my pocket. Then I casually strolled into the kitchen. I was instantly hit by the smell of something burning.

"What's overcooking good looking?"

Amanda scowled at me. "Aren't you a comedian?"

I wrinkled my nose. "Seriously, though, what is that?"

"What're you talking about?" Amanda demanded. "I don't smell... Oh, shit! The oven!" She opened the oven door and smoke immediately burst out. Amanda quickly fanned the smoke out of the way with a dish rag and I opened up the windows.

The smoke alarm blared loudly and I swear to God my eardrums were going to burst.

"Turn it off!" Amanda shouted over the beeping.

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