Chapter 1

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My head was empty for the first time in a few hours as I sit on the dirt covered cement of the garage connected to the house I've grown up in. I spend a lot of time out here, more time than I probably should, but it's better than being around my father. He's a dick and seems to only get worse as he ages.

As I retighten the bolt down and lock it into place the garage door creaks open making me look up.

"Sup girly." My friend Maze walks in smiling.

I glance at her, not sparing her much of a look before I look back at the bike and decide I've gotten tired of it for today.

"Not much." I tell her quietly as I wipe my hands with a shop rag.

"Want to grab a bite?" She questions giving me a hopeful look.

I shrug before nodding, my eyes glued to the my dirty hands.

"Care if diesel tags along?"

I glance up at her again and refrain from rolling my eyes. Of course Diesel wants to tag along. If Maze goes anywhere he is there following her around like a little love sick puppy.

"Why not." I say back tossing the blue cloth toward the trash. It doesn't really matter if it gets in the trash can since I'll pick it up later some time.

She grabs my hand pulling me into the blinding light of the sun. I wince a bit as I follow behind Maze. She all but drags me toward Diesels truck where he is waiting in the driver's seat.

"And she comes out of the cave." Diesel grumbles making me glare at my older brother. So yeah I thought it would be weird, one of my only friends dating my older brother, but I've gotten over the fact that she spends more time with him. It doesn't really matter anymore since I haven't actually been in the mood to hang out. I'd rather be in my "cave".

I glare at him shaking my head as I buckle up. Not saying anything I look out the window. Everytime I'm around one of my brothers they always say something about me being antisocial, or a cave dweller.

My solution has been to avoid them like the plague, which isn't hard since none of them live with dad and I. They jumped ship as soon as they could. Lucky bastards.

We pull up to the second dinner in town. The one the kids on my side of the tracks go to. It's called Big Joe's and it's the only place we don't get stared at when we walk in.

Taking the normal booth in the corner I sit with my back against the wall as I start reorganizing the sugar packets. Diesel and Maze sit across from me and I can tell they are holding hands under the table. Why they hide it for my sake is beyond me.

Big Joe's only has four windows and we only ever sit in one of the booths that doesn't have a window. With what my brothers do for a living they can't chance it most of the time. Sitting in front of a window is like signing a death note, or so says any one of my apes of older siblings.

"What can I get ya?" Lexi asks walking up to our table.

She is a year younger than me. Seventeen, but she isn't in school anymore. Her mother decided she would be better off in the real world. If only I could drop out. It's pointless now since I only have a few months of this year left before I am free of pointless math classes and teenagers.

"I'll take the special." Diesel orders not bothering to look at the menu. " And a Pepsi."

Maze orders next before Lexi turns to me with a smile. She and I used to be friends before everything happened. Now she has a slight twinge of pity in her eyes toward me. They all do.

"Just a number three." I say my voice barely above a whisper. She nods going back to the kitchen.

I keep my eyes on my hands looking at the cuts and bruises and black grease that cover my hands and knuckles. The grease that has practically strained my hands cover up the fact that I like to hit things.

"So you just gonna sit over there and not talk to us?" Diesel grumbles with a pointed look.

I look up finally to meet his eyes. I don't look away making him squirm. Diesel is the same age as Maze being three years older than me. You'd think he'd be able to hold my stare since his job was to be a badass. Apparently he needs some practice.

"Don't have much to say." I reply.

"It's been two years Rebel." He says making me glare harshly at him.

Just as he is about to tear into me about growing up Lexi comes back with our food. I pick up the fork and push the noodles around on my plate. I'm not exactly hungry. I've come to terms with the fact that food does nothing for me anymore but keep my alive. It's gotten to the point where I forget about food all together sometimes.

"Eat." Maze says and I shove three curly noodles of the pasta into my mouth.

I manage to get a quarter of it down before I set my fork down again. I sit silently not looking at the eyes staring at me.

"Fucking eat." Diesel says slamming his hand into the table making it vibrate with the force. Maze jumps but I can't muster the strength to even flinch.

"I'm going for a walk." I say standing and pulling a ten from my wallet setting it on the table before turning to leave. Well I try to leave.

Maze stops me with a hand on my arm causing me to still. I glance her direction intent on leaving right now. I didn't need Diesels shit, not now and not ever.

"Be safe." She tells me. I couldn't find a formal response since it was pointless to ask me to be safe. 

I salute her before walking out of the diner and down the street. The low setting sun beats down on me making me pull my long hair up into a ponytail. I don't pay attention to where I'm going. I don't care at this point. I just walk the familiar streets trying to clear my head.

My brothers have repeatedly tried to get me to forget the past. But never, not even once had one of my brothers ever told me that I should just get over it. They weren't there with me when everything happened.

I don't stop walking until I come to the bridge. Staring down at the water below I let out a breath. Climbing so that I'm sitting with my feet dangling above it I watch the waves move.

The fall wouldn't kill me, but the shallow water and rocks might.  Scooting forward till I have to hold on to the railing so I don't fall I think about what would happen if I just let go.

"You going to jump?" A deep voice asks from behind me.

I glance behind me and shrug. It's almost dark and I thought I was the only one out here. But instead it's me, the river, and this guy. Someone I felt like I knew but couldn't put a name to his rather handsome face.

"Well it would be a shame if you did." He says leaning on the railing next to me.

"You don't know me." I say and he just shrugs. He's wearing a dark sweatshirt and jeans that hug his frame. He's built like a swimmer.

"But I bet someone would hate to find your pretty face on the river bank."

I look him over for a few more seconds and finally place him. I don't know him but I know of him. King Jackson. The bad boy of the only high school in our town. It's big enough that not everyone knows everyone, but small enough that we at least see each other's faces once in awhile.

I slide back so I'm no longer about to fall and glance at him out the corner of my eye. My arm brushes his making him look at me and me at him.

"You go to my school don't you." He accuses. I nod swinging my legs slightly. The blood rushing to my feet making my legs heavy and sleepy.

"Rebel." He says my name without a question but I nod anyway.

"That's the name. And you're King, aren't you?"

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