Chapter 8

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By the time we got back to the compound it was nearly nine. The bikers were partying, which was different from the parties I remember my brothers throwing growing up. No, this wasn't like the keggers they used to throw together.

That backyard had seen some things that I didn't even want to think about. But this was an adult party. Not the kind you find highschoolers at unless they were like King and his friends.

"You ready for this?" King asks looking me over before his eyes go back to the front yard that had drunk bikers and half naked girls stumbling around it.

"Yeah." I murmur sliding off the back of his bike after taking his hand that he offered.

Instead of letting go he laces our fingers together while we walk up the front steps and into the main house. I can't help but feel awkward as he pulls me along. The hand holding was nice, but it made me feel like my hand was too sweaty and it was currently making my heart thump against my rips. It's feel obvious that I didn't hold hands much, let alone touch people.

The heavy metal music was louder inside making the bass beat into my bones. I caught a glimpse of Maze and was about to go over to say hi when I saw that her and Diesel were full on making out. I was surprised that neither of them had each other's clothes off.

Ignoring the need to vomit at the thought I let King drag me to the bar. The same guy from earlier was there only he was halfway trashed as he looked me and King over with a smile.

"Awe my favorite customer is back to bless me with her presents." Topper slurs making me raise my eyebrows at him.

"Two budlights Topper." King says and the guy saults King mockingly before getting two bottles of beer and setting them in front of us.

"Anything else boss man?" Topper asks leaning heavily on the bar.

His eyes drifted to me again and stayed glued on my chest. Clenching my jaw I reached out and snapped my fingers in front of his face.

"Buddy, eyes up here." I tell him and he smirks.

"Just admiring what your mama gave you."

King slammed his fist down on the bar startling Topper.

"One thing you can do for me Topper is stop checking Rebel out in front of me. And that goes for hitting on her."

"I may be a prospect boy, but I don't care who your daddy is... I'll kick your ass for talking to me that way in front of a lady." Topper growls his easy going state switching as he glares daggers at an unfazed King.

"I'd watch who you're calling boy there Topper. Unlike you I did my time as prospect and I'm already patched. My daddy didn't have shit to do with that. Trent was the one to let me in."

Sighing slightly I turn away from the guys annoyed with the argument since it wasn't my business. It had shifted from me to club stuff, and Trent had told me the rules. Women didn't get involved with club stuff. Besides, I've had good practice at not listening to conversations that didn't need me listening.

I was just about to take a drink from my beer when I heard the fight start. Jesus H christ. Turning I see Topper coming over the bar at King who looked all to happy to have the fight. Running a hand through my hair I stepped back to watch it play out.

Everyone had stopped grinding and having sex in the back booth long enough to pick sides and start chanting out names. I met Jase's eyes from across the room as his flicked from King and Topper back to me with question. I shrugged making him nod. Then he flicked his head in the direction of the fight and I knew what he was saying. Why did he want me to help with this bullshit? Where was Trent?

Setting my beer down with a sigh Jase and I both make for the two guys throwing punches that has sickening crunches with every one that landed. King was winning since he was now pinning Topper down and beating the shit out of him.

Quickly before King can throw the next punch into Topper's face I grab his arm stopping it and making everyone shut up. Rolling my eyes I flip King using my bodyweight to hold him on the ground while Jase kneels on Topper's back.

"You two quiet acting like fucking children!" Jase calls before looking around the room. "Now get back to fucking partying!" With the last statement the crowd cheers and the music is on full blast again.

Topper walks off after Jase let him up. That's when I felt hands on my hips making me look down at King and realise what position we were in. My face flames hot as I try to ignore the fact that I was straddling his waist. I start squirming trying to get off him in the least awkward way possible and feel him tense before he lets out a light chuckle.

"Babe I would stop squirming like that." My face must be beat red by now as I say screw it and roll off of him and to a stand.

King gets up a crooked smile playing on his face as he looks me over. I laugh awkwardly looking anywhere but his eyes. They could undo me with the way he sees more than I want him to.

"Sorry." I mutter looking for my beer and finding it not where I left it.

Definitely not fucking trusting that. Instead I let it sit before looking around me to see who would fuck with it. Picking it up I look down into the liquid finding nothing wrong with it, but I still wasn't going to chance it. Not again. I was careful now.

"What's wrong?" King asks and I just shake my head.

"I'm not really looking to drink." Shrugging I glance around the room stopping on Olin and Andrew as they watch Gray and Nick playing pool. Each of them have either a girl on their side or are nursing a beer.

"There is your friends." I point them out to King and he nods grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the group. Again with the hand holding. I was starting to like the feeling of his hand in mine.

"Hey!" Andrew yells all to excited to see me.

Before I can really move he has me in a bear hug that had me stiffening until I realised he wasn't going to let go until I gave in. Awkwardly I patted his back twice before he let me go looking pleased.

"Hi." I say still confused at what just happened.

"Don't mind him, Andy is a hugger when he's hammered." Nick assures me as he shanks a ball.

"Anyways, more important things to talk about. Where were you two?" Olin asks wiggling his eyebrows at me and King.

King just smacks his friend on the back of his head before taking a seat on a chair and pulling me with him. I'm sat directly next to him in my own chair but his arm rests comfortably behind me.

"We went to the cliff." King says making all the guys look at him with stunned expressions.

"What's with the look?" King asks taking a drink of his beer.

"You don't take anyone there." Gray says staring at King like he grew a second head.

I looked curiously at King who just gave me a smile before striking up a conversation with Andrew.

"So you're the boss man's sister." Olin says and I shrug nodding.

"Guess so. I'm not to impressed with it." I tell him making Olin chuckle.

"I see. So how long have you gone to our school, and why didn't we know about you?" He interigates more.

"Since forever, and because I don't give a shit about school." I answer back smiling slightly at him.

It was odd for me to smile this much. My phone buzzes in my pocket telling me I have a text. Sliding it out of my back pocket I look down and feel my jaw clench.

"Excuse me." I say getting up and smiling at King who gave me another questioning look before I headed for the front door.

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