Chapter 2

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After my encounter with King I had walked home. Dad was sitting in the living room watching Moonshiners. He didn't even look up as I walked by. Typical. Dad and I don't exactly talk. The only time we do is when he's either way to sober for either of us to be comfortable or too damn drunk to filter his words. Half the time he has nothing nice to say so anymore I don't take much of what he says to heart. But it doesn't mean I forget what he says or the beatings I have the pleasure of receiving.

Walking up stairs to my room I lock the door behind me before pulling my clothes off and jumping in the shower. I don't move from under the hot water until it starts running cold and I have to quickly wash.

I climb into bed after pulling on a long sleeved shirt and sweatpants. Wrapping myself in my comforter I try to close my eyes.

Like always I end up staring at the stars I still have glowing on my ceiling. They have been there since I was seven and my mom thought it would help me sleep. Now they have become a tool of counting. A total of seventy three green stars glow above me. I have counted them over and over for two years. Two whole years, without fail.

As usual I either cry myself to sleep or the darkness drags me under, either way I'm probably going to wake up screaming. Trying to stay awake was pointless so I just let dreaded sleep drag me under and pray I don't fucking dream.


I wake with a start launching myself to a sit in my bed. Sweat coats my skin  as I manage to pull deep breaths in and out.

I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay.

Over and over I chant the two words. That's how the whole week has gone, and I was dreading the fact that it was Friday.

Glancing at the clock I decide to get ready for school. Pulling myself from the bed no matter how much my body protests I take another shower needing the sweat off me.

Washing the nightmare away and putting on another long sleeved shirt I start feeling better. I pull on my ripped jeans that could pass for a fashion trend if they weren't ripped from wear. It's not that I can't afford to buy new jeans, but I loved the comfort these ones brought. Besides, they looked good with my boots since they're boot cut at the bottoms.

Grabbing my bag I quietly unlock my door and walk down the steps. I avoid all the squeaky boards under the carpet heading toward the front door. I'm nearly home free when that same slurred voice stops me like every Friday. I let out a heavy sigh that I cover with a yawn as I turn to acknowledge my father.

"Hold it." Dad says from his station in the chair. He hasn't moved, not that I had expected him to.

"Pick me up a twenty-four and a carton of cigs." It was a demand, I knew it was a demand but I wanted to tell him to fuck off and to go get them himself. But instead I gritted my teeth until my jaw ached.

The thing about me and dad was that I pissed him off just by being here. So when he tells me to do something I do it without responding. If I say anything he always flips it on me and honestly I didn't have the energy anymore.

I take the hundred dollar bill offered to me and tuck it in my back pocket before heading outside to my bike.

Starting the engine up I make sure my backpack is secured before I start toward the highschool. I pull into a parking spot before dragging my speed and strength helmet off and shoving it into a compartment I have for it.

I tend to keep to myself as I walk past everyone on my way toward the door. They all stare at me. And no I'm not just thinking they are. They really are.

Here at this damn high school I am the female version of King, but he is worse. More rumors about him. That and he's not branded with a gigantic B for bitch. I have no reason to be nice to these people and even though I'm frigid they all seem to assume that it's a way for me to protect myself. That I'm easily pushed.

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