Chapter 11

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I sit in front of my bike and I feel completely at peace. It's the best I've felt since I was drug out here by Trent. I won't say I miss my dads place, but I wish I didn't feel like I was on house arrest. For the first time in years I've actually had to tell people where I'm going, what I'm doing, and ask if it's okay. This shit was hard to get used to. But right now, I felt like I was alone besides from the few guys in here working on their own bikes.

Glancing at my watch I count down how much longer until I need to duck out and lie my way to the fight night. As of right now I had an hour to hunt up one of me brothers and get my ass out of here. I had already called Nadetta who was all down for tagging along to the fight like she had been.

She was like my own personal nurse, but really she just made sure that neither of us got caught after a fight. She had saved me a few times from getting caught since I had been banged up and out of it. That's what really brought us together the most.

Nadetta was almost like a sister to me and it made it easier for someone to know about my endeavors.

My phone rings and without looking at the caller ID I answer.

"Hallo." I answer as I stand wiping the dirt from my ass as I do so.

"We still on?" Doug asks me.

He was doing his check up call to make sure I wasn't getting cold feet.

"You betcha." I tell him walking towards the main building.

"Alright see you at the wearhouse. You're gonna do great."

I hum at that before he ends the call just as I get to the front door. Trent was playing pool with Diesel when I walked in. Good, just the asshole I wanted to see.

"Hey sis." Trent greets and I get a cold glare from Diesel.

"Hey, so I was just going to tell you that I'm going to go hang with Nadetta. We're just going to watch some movies at her place." I tell them. "Might sleep over too."

Trent shrugs as Diesel ignores me like normal. Asshole.

"Go for it. You need more friends, and Nadetta is a great girl, ain't that right Diesel." Diesel looks up.

"She is, don't see why she wants to be friends with Rebel though." Rolling my eyes at him I give him the cold shoulder. He seriously needs to get over himself. I can't keep doing this tango with him. It was getting annoying and uncomfortable.

"Alright, well I'm going to get packed and head that way." I nod to them sending a death glare to Diesel before jogging towards the back door.

Just as I'm going someone is coming and my shoulder clips there's nearly tossing me in to the wall.

"Shit." I mutter backing up from the guy.

"Hey to you to." I hear King grunt making me look up at him. "Where you off to in such a hurry?"

"Going to spend the night at Nadetta's." I tell him and he nods.

"Yo King! Oh hey Rebel!" Olin calls jogging over to us.

"What's up Olin?" I ask.

"I was just making sure that King was still in our plan for tonight."

"What's your plan?" My curiously got the better of me.

"We can't tell anyone, it's under lock and key. So king?"

Shaking my head I make my way towards the house.

"Don't have to much fun without me!" I call as I hear King confirm that their plan is still on.

I packed a bag with everything I was going to need before heading towards my bike. With my backpack tight on my back I head towards Nadetta's.

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