Chapter 5

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Trent drove to the outside of town down a paved road Id never been down. I never actually ventured out this far since I had no interest in it.

"How long has he been like that?" Trent asks quietly over the hum of the engine.

"Bout two years." I answer and I see his jaw tighten, nodding slowly.

I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but I knew it wasn't anything good. Everyone of us kids have a mean streak in us, I suppose it came from the man we all hated. 

"No wonder you avoid us. Diesel just said it was because of the, well you know."

I did know. Fucking Diesel. He was the one who blamed me even if he didn't admit it. I knew with every word coming from him that he thought I was the reason mom was six feet under.

"I avoid you because of other reasons. Not because of dad's problem." I manage to get out rolling the ring on my pointer finger around. The topic of Diesel only ever stand to piss me off.

"Those are?" Trent prompts but I close off.

I didn't want to talk about my feelings. My brothers didn't know what I went through, and didn't understand. I could explain it to them but I didn't, couldn't speak about it. Every time I tried to I only pushed them farther away. It was better that way anyways.

"Alright." He mutters more to himself than to me.

The rest of the ride was road in silence before we pulled up to a ten foot tall chain linked gate. A shorter man walks out of a little booth smiling at Trent like he had just won the lottery.

"Sup Prez, who've you got with you?" The man asks peeking into the cab.

He was late twenties with spiked up blond hair and a twitch that hit his blue eyes every few seconds.

"This is my baby sis. She's staying here and you better keep your hands to yourself Twitch." Trent warns making me roll my eyes not only at Trent's threat, but because of the nickname he called the guy. It wasn't original.

"No harm no foul Prez. Does she got a name though?" Twitch asks looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

I don't offer my name. Trent was good at talking for me anyways.

"Her name is Rebel. Tell the rest of the guys she's fucking off limits." Trent was glaring at Twitch.

Leaning back I wait for the gates to open. When they did Trent pulled in parking around back of the main building. There was four buildings. Two of them houses, one large grey wearhouse and another building that looked like a garage.

"Follow me." Trent orders as I get out grabbing my bag and following him towards the bigger of the two houses.

It was a nice house to say the least. Three stories high and painted a light grey color.

"This is where Diesel, Damian, Jase, and me live. There is another bedroom that's going to be yours." I nod following up to the second floor and to the bedroom right off the stairs like back home.

The room was bigger than mine at home, and a lot nicer. The bed was made in a dark comforter and there was a dresser and TV set up.

"Want a tour?" He asks after a few more seconds of silence as I observed the room.

"Sure." I say before he is walking away.

I walk a little faster to catch up but don't run. I never ran for anyone or anything.

"So that's the second house that my VP's family lives in along with some kids that are friends with his son. They are around your age so you might know them. Then there is the main building. Which is where most of the other brothers live. There are the main guys and then the guys who hang around for the weekends." He paused as he opened the back door shuffling me in.

"There is going to be partying and I'm not going to stop the guys for you. You're my baby sis, but they're my club. Club sluts are going to be walking around every weekend for the guys. So just prepare yourself for that."

We walk down a hall and he points out rooms that meant something to him and that I might want to know about. Then we come to the mouth where a large room sits. It had an L shaped bar with any bottle of liquor you could want behind it.

Guys milled around playing pool or sitting back at tables talking. Every eye turned to Trent and I as we stepped in and my eyes met my youngest older brother Jase's. With his easy smile on his face he jumped up and I knew I needed to get the fuck away right now.

"We got a runner!" He yells as I smile at him ducking behind Trent.

"Don't use me as a wall you asshole." He says trying to move before Jase being the dumbest of us goes through him.

"Don't fight it Bells. I want my hug!" Jase calls trying to corner me.

This had been a game we played since we were little. I'm not much of a hugger like Jase was. The scene we were making didn't matter since the game was the only thing I didn't want to loses. So I do what any normal person would do, I run.

Out of all of my siblings him and I look the most alike. We both had brown hair and blue eyes, but he was a foot taller than me and about a hundred pounds more.

"Take it outside!" Damien yells walking in as Jase misses me after I dodged and almost hits a pulled out chair.

I ran for the door Damien just came through. I got just past the door when Jase managed to get a hold of me and pulled me back into the building. Not giving up I did a self defence move flipping him onto the ground before kneeling in the middle of his spine.

"Shit." He growls knowing he lost.

"Alright what the fuck is happening?" I hear someone ask and look up to see the younger dude behind the bar is speaking.

"Let him up." Diesel orders and I roll my eyes shoving Jase into the floor once more making him grunt before climbing off of him.

I extend my hand out to him and he takes it as I pull him to his feet.

"Everyone listen and listen good!" Trent yells making me flinch slightly at the way it vibrates in the room. Jase slings his arm over my shoulder pulling me into a side hug even though he lost. I'd allow it for now.

"This is Rebel. She's gonna be staying her till further notice, so make sure she is comfortable." There is a pause before Trent clears his throat with a slight smirk as he look at me. "Oh, and she's my little sister."

Fourteen pair or so of eyes were glued to me giving me looks I wasn't sure what meant. Then the door opens again and a rowdy group of kids walk in stopping when they notice how quiet it was in here. Then his eyes meet mine.

Fucking King looked back at me.

"What are you doing here love?" Olin asks.

Broken Halos MCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora