Chapter 9

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Avoiding just texting back I decided to call. The phone rang twice before the line picked up.

"I see you've got my text." Doug says as I lean against the side of the building.

"I did. What are we talking?" I ask getting down to business.

"Tomorrow night's fight, you in?" He asks and I bite my lip trying to see how I was going to get away. I could just tell them I was going on a ride or to see Nadetta. She was the only one who knew about the fighting, and I knew she would cover for me.

"Who's it against?" I wasn't going to say yes just yet. Sometimes Dougy boy likes to spring shit on me that I don't want to deal with.

I knew that they would already have me in a bracket. I would have to fight once tomorrow, twice if points didn't match up and sometimes the second fight is worse than the first. It's like an overtime but for illegal underground fighting that seems to always be tied to people like me who are short on money and desperate to feel something.

"Chick named Legs."

I knew who Legs was. She was a great fighter, but she was also sloppy. Should be an easy win if I play it right. Beating Legs shouldn't be hard, I'm only worried about getting out of this fuckin place. It was going to be tricky if Trent decides to hover like an unwanted parent.

"I'm in. What time?"


"See you then." I end the call and head back inside.

I had no idea where any of my brothers were, except for Diesel and I didn't want to get in the middle of that. Instead I head back to the boys who didn't go very far.

"No I said that the only hot version of Miley Cyrus was when she was in that Hannah Montana show, after that she just let herself go." Andrew says making me give him a look that said what the fuck is wrong with you.

"Alright, I expected to walk in on some weird ass convos, but not one of the options did I ever think it would be about Hannah Montana." I say shaking my head.

The guys laugh as I go to take the seat next to King. He doesn't let me get the chair out before he has it pulled out for me.

I drop into the seat before sending him a displeased look. "I can pull my chair out for myself."

"I know." He says winking at me before going back to joking with the guys.

I didn't know what the fuck it was, but I couldn't snap out of the haze he put me in everytime I was around him. It was like I melted at his feet, but wanted to challenge him at the same time. I sit back in my chair trying to not show what I'm feeling on the outside. Christ, I'm all sorts of twisted up.

"So Hannah Montana is what does it for you then?" I ask Andrew as a distraction from myself and the warm that is radiating against my side from King.

"Always and forever." I wanted to gag at that but refrained.

"So you watched that girly show growing up?" King asks and Andrew looks caught as he glances everywhere but any of us making the group burst into laughter.

"Alright, the table is open." Gray groans tossing his pool stick down and glaring at Nick as he grabs the cash that was under the chalk.

"Who wants the smoke?" Nick asks throwing his arms out in challenge.

"No one wants to play with you dumbass, you hussle everyone." Olin calls making Nick narrow his eyes on him before they flick to me with a smug smile.

"How about you princess? You want the smoke?" He calls me out in the dumbest possible way.

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