Chapter 10

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Turns out that my brother's weren't in the house either, so I officially had no idea where the fuck they were. Which was fine I guess since they were all adults... and annoying as fuck.

"Let's see what I'm working with." King says walking into the kitchen and wandering around pulling things out and setting them on the counter.

Taking a seat on the counter between the fridge and the stove I watched as he moved around. For as big as King was, he moved with a grace that was odd.

"Keep staring babe, you might give me a complex." He says catching me staring at him.

"Sorry." I mumble looking away from him my face heating up.

Those damn words. Why did they do something to me? It wasn't even a hot statement. It was just telling me to quit checking him out.

Pulling my phone out I click on Instagram and like some photos off Harley Davidson pages and some kids I follow from my school. Then my phone buzzes and a little red 1 shows up on the corner of my screen telling me someone sent a message. Sliding over I check the dm.

From Mia Evens.

Do me a favor and stay in line. I don't need a slut like you pissing where she doesn't belong.

I clench my jaw as I reread the text a few times before not responding and leaving Instagram. The word slut has always stung. It stings more as I reread it. Mia didn't know what happened to me, she also doesn't care. For all I know she didn't realize I wasn't in school for a few months.

"What's wrong?" King asks and I try my hardest to fix the state of my fallen face.

I just kept my eyes on my jeans covered knees until I felt his fingers under my chin lifting it to look at him.

"Rebs? What's goin on?" He asks quietly and I feel myself melt at the softness of his voice.

"I'm okay, it's nothing." I tell him giving him as reasurring smile the was cracking my face.

"Okay." He backs off but I see he wanted to fight me on it.

He could see through the fake smile that I was putting up. The kitchen gets quiet as he goes back to making the sandwiches before he wipes his hands off and looks at me with a smile.

"You ready Judge?" He asks me and I nod.

"Of course." I tell him hopping off the counter, ready to receive the golden brown sandwich.

King hands me a plate and just by the smell of it, my mouth was watering. It smelled great and looked even better. Taking a bite I smile wider up at him as his eyebrows raise.

"Good?" He asks and I nod.

"Looks like you can cook." I comment as he starts eating his.

"What's up fuckers?!" Damien asks as he runs into the house shirtless.

Trent is following him giving King and I a questionable look that I'm trying darndest to ignore.

"Just eating." King responds his eyes on Trent.

They were having a sort of conversation without speaking. It was uncomfortable to watch them so I returned my attention to Damien. Normally he was the cool and collected brother, and I guess if you get enough alcohol in him he turns into, well he's acting like the normal sober Jase.

Right now he was fighting the air like a ninja. Going so far as to jump onto the island. It's leading me to believe he did more than drink a few to many.

"Watch out Rebel!" He yells jumping down and pulling me behind him.

"What did you give him?" I ask Trent who just shakes his head.

"He mixed about twenty different things into one drink and called it the twenty to one and now he's malfunctioning."

"Damien?" I ask and his eyes fly to me over his shoulder as he jumps around picking me up over his shoulder and running.

I clutch onto him grabbing onto the belt loops of his jeans since he was shirtless.

"We need to get away!" He yells running up the stairs.

I can't help but laugh, but I needed to get off his shoulder.

"Damien! Let me down!" I yell as he runs into his room then out again.

Getting frustrated I grab onto the door way as he went to run through pulling us to a stop.

"You need to sleep whatever the hell you drank off." I tell him managing to crawl down from him before shoving him back into his room.

"You're bossy." He tells me pouting his bottom lip out at me for ruining his hectic fun.

"And you're trashed and acting like Jase." His eyes narrow on me.

"Ewww. I don't wanna be Jase. He's weird." He complains.

"Then go to bed."

"I love you bells." He says dragging me into a hug before turning and faceplanting onto the bed.

Shaking my head I walk out of the room and close the door behind me. What a man child. Walking back down to the kitchen I find more people here. 

"I thought you were going to bed." Nick mutters leaning back in his chair at the table.

"I was." I tell him going back to my grilled cheese.

"What was the yelling about?" Andrew asks.

"Damien is a little odd right now." Trent tells them leaning against the counter drinking a beer.

"So here's a question for you Prez. Where have you been hiding your sister?" Olin asks making everyone turn their expectant eyes to him.

"Safe house cause we wanted to keep her away from pussies like you." Trent responds making me stifle a laugh.

"Serious?" Gray asks making me roll my eyes.

"Nope. I was living with our dad and now I'm here." I say climbing onto the counter and sit cross legged with the plate resting on my legs.

"Oh." Is all they say like they knew all about my father.

"Alright fuckers, get back to your houses I'm tired and Rebel has had a long day." Trent says standing up straight and motioning the guys out.

"Night Rebs." King says winking at me as he walks towards the front door, the boys following him.

As soon as the door swings shut Trent starts in on me.

"What's with you and the Jackson boy?"

"We're friends I think." I tell him wondering why King was being nice to me.

He didn't even know me two days ago so it just made me wonder what was going on. Why he kept winking at me and calling me babe, it was all forign to me.

"Alright, but if it's anything more he needs to come talk to me."

Laughing I finish the rest of my grilled cheese and getting off the counter.

"Love you biggest brother." I tell him hugging him before retreating to my new bedroom.

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