Chapter 6

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This day couldn't have gotten any better. I watched as King looked at the arm drapped across my shoulders before his eyes narrow. He was watching me closely with guarded eyes that I couldn't read.

"You know Rebel?" Jase asks as the rest of the bikers return to their previous interactions, me being forgotten.

"Goes to school with us. Why do you know her?" King asks his tone a little harsh. Harsher than most people dared to speak to my brothers.

"Bells. Come on, I'll give you the rest of the tour!" Trent yells drawing my attention from the boys who were all looking at me with questions. Questions I wasn't answering.

"Comin'! Hold your fuckin' horses big brother!" I call back glancing once more at very confused King before turning to follow Trent.

He showed me where the garage was, and what bay they put my chopper in so I could continue to work on it. Then I found where my bike was parked and inspected it carefully making sure my brother didn't hurt my baby.

"So you know King and them?" Trent asks watching me.

"Yep." I answer more concerned with how I was going to kill my other brother.

There was a small scratch that I didn't put there. I was going to go full Karen on his ass and rip him a new one. I didn't care if he was a biker. He was my brother first.

"They give you any trouble you just let me know... They've been known to be trouble." He tells me while I rub at the scratch.

"Isn't everyone on this side of town known for trouble?" I ask instead of agreeing to what he was saying.

"I suppose."

Shrugging I stand wiping my hands on my jeans and looking at him expectantly. I was out of my element. I couldn't just sit in the garage and talk to no one like I normally did.

"Oh my god!" I hear Maze yell before she collides with me, knocking both of us to the ground.

We lay there on the cement trying to gather our air as I rub my elbow. Shit.

"Why did you think tackling me would go over good? Jesus H christ!"

"It was a moment decision. Nothing was thought through." She groans grabbing on to the hand Diesel was extending to her.

I climbed to my feet refusing any help while my now aching back. That's going to leave a bruise.

"So you're really living here?" She asks bouncing up and down.

I nod pulling my hair up off my neck and into a bun on the top of my head.

"Well let's go get a drink!" Maze yells getting a look from my brothers.

"She ain't old enough." Diesel tells her and all I can do is laugh. Since when did he give a fuck?

"Whatever. Y'all were drinking before I could walk." I mutter brushing past them with Maze following.

As we enter the bar I catch a glare from King. He needs to sort himself out, I didn't do nothin to deserve a look like that. Maze and I sat at the bar while the guy behind it got us a beer giving me a smile.

"So you're the Prez's little sister." He asks leaning against the bar.

Maze smirks at me as the guys proceeds to flirt.

"I didn't know that someone related to that ogar could look like you. I mean you're all sorts of hot."

I won't lie and say he wasn't attractive, but he wasn't my type. He was also older than me by the looks of by maybe five years. And to top it off his game was shit. All sorts of hot? Really? Had that actually worked for him? Ick.

"Watch it Topper." I hear someone say before the stool next to me is taken up.

Glancing over I see the one and only King, glare still intact.

"Sorry King." The guy, Topper, says putting his hands up and walking away.

Ignoring him I take a drink of the beer as I lean on the bar. This was feeling like it would be my last drink tonight. I needed to eat something before I keep it up. It's only been two beers but I'm not looking to feel like absolute dick in the morning. Besides, I don't need bikers thinkin I can't out drink them over drinking on an empty stomach.

"So what finally made you cave?" Maze asks making me glance at her before looking back at the finished bar.

"Boys came for a visit." I tell her. "They basically forced me out."

She nods even though she doesn't know the half of it.

"Maze can I get a minute with Rebel?" King asks and Maze just gives me the same smirk before nodding and excusing herself.

Turning to face King I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Yes?" I ask waiting.

His eyes scan my face lingering on my lips before making their way back to my eyes.

"You're a complicated woman aren't you." He observes and I shrug. "Lots of different connections, and it doesn't help that you don't talk much."

"If I was open the whole south side would know my business." I tell him and he nods.

"So your brothers are the crazed four." He states and I nod.

"The one and onlys." I manage to say while avoiding his dark eyes that seem like they can burn right through me and see what is really going on in this head of mine. It was for the best for everyone to stay out of my head. It ain't a good place to be.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" He asks after another long moment of silence.

My eyes fly to him and he doesn't look uncomfortable or even nervous about the question. No one asked me out, or to go somewhere with them. So what was this about?

"Where?" I ask instead of saying no.

I was curious as to why my heart sped up at the chance to be alone with him. It wasn't like me.

"I know a place. I think you'd like it."

"Why not." I say watching as he stands with me following.

We manage to clear the doors before we are stopped by Damien.

"What are you two doing? Didn't we tell you she's off limits?" The last question was pointed at King.

"Didn't get the memo... But I promised to show her something and I don't break promises." King says flatly not intimidated by Damien in any way.

A flash of respect runs through Damien's eyes before he nods stepping back.

"Call me if he's being an asshole sis. Wouldn't want you to get stuck in a bad way." I nod going to walk forward when King grabs my hand pulling me behind him.

I think Damien meant to add again somewhere in there but I wasn't going to correct him. Besides, this isn't exactly the first time being alone with King. There was still that uneventful night at the bridge to think about here.

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