Chapter 7

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"Why can't I just follow you on my bike?" I ask as I stare at King confused.

"Because I said so." He says, which only managed to piss me off to high hell.

He sounded like my father when he used to give a shit about me. Because I said so, huh, what shit was that?

"Now get your stubborn ass on my bike or I'm going to put you on it." King orders and being the stubborn ass person I am I crossed my arms and continued to stare.

There was no way in hell he was getting me on that bike without a fight. I wanted to ride my own, and honestly I could have just ran off by now to get on it. Only I was having a bit of fun with this. It was weird, but I loved that I was getting pissed and pissing him off at the same time. This was some weird shit. This whole situation was fucked, yet I'm living for it.

When King orders me I feel a shock go down me hitting spots I rather not talk about. It sent a wave of excitement through me that I had never felt before, one that I need to keep in check. Another reason I shouldn't get on that bike.

"I don't ride bitch for anyone." I snap back and see the wicked gleam in his eyes as he stalks towards me.

"Oh baby, not even for me?" He asks sweetly in my ear.

It sends a shiver down my spine,but I wasn't going to budge. I'm unmovable, I should be unmovable at this point. So why did this affect me? Why did he have to smell so damn good?

"Especially not for you." I tell him and that's when I knew I fucked up.

He sweet talked himself closer to me and before I could stop him his hands were on my waist picking me up. Shit.

"Don't think of it as riding bitch since you get to hold onto all this." I watch from where he sat me as he waves his hands at his lean and muscled body.

I even had to admit to myself that he had a nice body. He was stronger built that any of the other boys in school, and was a damn good lineman. Don't judge me I liked watching the football games. Only King wasn't fat, in fact I didn't think he had one ounce of fat on his toned and muscled body.

He climbed on in front of me and when I didn't go to hold onto him he reached back and pulled my arms around him without saying a word. I sat frozen in shock that he had managed to get me on here and to hold on to him. I didn't even normally hold on to my brothers.

He drove fast, and it caused me to have to hold tighter onto him since I didn't have much control over the bike. It was odd for me since I didn't ride bitch ever. I still was shocked that I didn't throat punch King for man handling me. That and I didn't realize how much out of control I felt until he took a corner too sharp.

About ten minutes later he pulls onto a dirt road leading towards the falls. I didn't know why he thought he needed to show me the falls since everyone past the age of twelve knew about them. It was the party and hook up spot for teenagers on the wrong side of the tracks, and for those prep kids who think they can kick it with us.

"Why are we going to the falls?" I ask leaning closer to him so he could hear me.

"You'll see." Is all he says back.

Curiousity and excitement bloom in me, but there is the part at the back of my brain that says it could be a trap. Only I didn't think that King would hurt me. My brothers said it themselves that they would kick his ass if he looked at me the wrong way. Who knows what they'd do if he hurt me. Who knows what I'd do?

King passes the turn off to the party spot and keeps going up the mountain. I hadn't ever been this far up, and then I see where we are. The sun was setting as King stopped his bike just off the clearing that showed the cliff edge.

It is a pretty sight with the trees and the orange sun with streaks of pink mixed in to it. I could look at this view forever.

"Hop off babe." King say squeezing my thigh, making me drag my eyes from the sun setting on the lake below back to him.

Slowly I slid off the back of his bike and walked over to the edge looking down to see the water falls below.

"When did you find this place?" I ask looking over my shoulder at him.

He was leaning against his bike with his arms crossed over his wide chest. He looked almost edible in his dark washed jeans and black Harley Davidson shirt. His leather cut was on which I never saw before. But then again I only saw him at school. The sun was making his tanned skin glow. He looks hotter than usual, more bad boy than usual too.

"My pops and I used to come up here when I was younger." He says shoving off his bike and walking to stand next to me.

"Why'd you bring me up here?"

I felt like I was intruding on a spot for him and his father.

"You looked uncomfortable in the compound, and I wanted to be able to speak to you with out one of your brothers breathing down my beck." I felt his hand move and grip mine.

Looking down at our hands I narrow my eyes before meeting his.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask quietly.

Cautiously he turned to me before running his fingertips down my arm to the bottom of my sleeve and pulling it up to show the white bandage. Quickly I jerk my arm away from his grip and step back. Shit. His eyes were full of questions that I didn't want to answer. He'd managed to ruin the sunset with this shit.

"What happened?" He asks quietly, almost like if he spoke to loud I would spook and run away.

I was seriously contemplating sprinting in the opposite direction but instead I cleared my throat and for once told a truth.

"I didn't try to hurt myself." I say calmly glancing at him before returning my eyes to the trees around us.

"Then what happened?" He asks again a sigh of relief leaving him.

"I got into a fight." I tell him even though that one was a lie.

It was true that I didn't do this to myself, but I didn't have to get into a fight to receive it.

"A fight." He repeated but didn't sound convinced. He shouldn't be.

"I don't want to talk about it." I blurted turning away from him.

He didn't need to know just how messed up my home life really was. I didn't have to tell him about the hospital visits and all the money spent to try and keep my dad happy enough to leave me alone. You would think that after the accident two years ago my life would have been better.

It wasn't, in fact my life went farther into hell. The only out I had was school and my bikes, and even school fucking sucked.

"That's alright." King whispers surprising me with how gentle his voice was. I wanted to be pissed off at him but I couldn't. For once no one snapped at me for not wanting to talk about it.

"Anyways, check out that sunset." I say distracting him.

A small smile hits his lips as his eyes track the golden and pink that was covering the sky in front of us. It was almost nice.

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