A Story on Forgiveness

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This is a story of how a girl handles her arrogant father.

One day early in the 1980s, a man pushing 40 named Reggie* was driving his teenage daughter, Joji* to her school quite far from home. Suddenly, they met a car accident. BUMP! There was a collision between their car and another one. How unexpected!

Joji could not be late for school so spending a long time on the road discussing with the policeman what happened was no option. Going to a car repair shop and waiting long for the car to be fixed was also not an option.

At this point, you could be asking "So what happened?".

Before long, they found a taxi. Just as they were about to board it, the exasperated father lost it at his daughter. "YOU SHAPE UP!", he said. He scolded Joji as if it was her fault that they got into an accident. However, for the record, she wasn't at fault at all. Poor Joji. What a morning!

So, they proceeded to her school in the taxi. She was feeling hurt and traumatized over her father's displacement. Not surprising! After all, it was really unfair on Reggie's part to scold his daughter for something she didn't do.

Joji crestfallenly went down the car and faced her school day well. She didn't let any of that morning's trauma get in the way of her focus on her lessons and assignments. In fact, she didn't let her injured, traumatized heart affect her day in general. Rather, she chose to forgive him.

But this isn't the end of the story just yet.

30-something years later...

The year is 2019. Reggie is now an old man of 75. Joji is a few months short of 50 and now has her one and only child. This child is a fresh college graduate of the university which has housed 3 generations of the family (starting with Reggie). She is 21 years of age, a Pranic Healer and Arhatic Yogi (like her mother); and her name is Beatrice*.

A couple of weekends ago, Beatrice stayed at the condo unit of her grandparents and aunt (Joji's younger sister). On the Saturday of that weekend, Joji came to visit the family. She asked her father for information about his upcoming trip to Russia for partner's meeting (fun fact- his older daughter and granddaughter are coming too, leaving his wife and younger daughter behind).

Reggie answered Joji in a cross, arrogant manner and ended his response with, "Shut up!". He displaced his anger on her.. again.

Truth be told, he felt small and insecure over not knowing the information. He was actually mad at himself, apparently. However, the way he talked to his daughter made it look like he was upset with her (for asking something to which he didn't know the answer).

That left Joji injured again. However, just like what happened earlier in the story, she forgave her father.

Regardless of how many times her father injured her with his displacement, she has never ceased to love, bless, and forgive him.

It's no surprise Joji has that attitude. After all, she is a Pranic Healer and Arhatic Yogi; and Pranic Healers at the Arhatic level are expected to have that resilience.

Given that she forgives him, they still maintain a good relationship (in spite of the instances of him displacing foul mood on her).

I'd like to end the tale with this, my friends. I hope you learned from Joji.

The end.

Moral: Forgive others regardless of how much they have hurt you. After all, forgiveness is loving kindness; and forgiveness is what keeps a good relationship good.

*not their real names

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