Joji's Years of Gossiping and Criticizing

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This is the story of a couple of bad habits Joji* carried with her from some point in her grade school days to her mid-40s.

Joji liked to gossip about and criticize people behind their backs. She thought it was okay to do that since she was talking beyond the victims' earshot.

However, it came to a point that she would gossip about someone- and the someone could hear it. Even if she whispered, the whisper was audible enough for the victim to hear.

She would also think that sharing gossip to someone about a third party was fine since she didn't tell the third person directly. What she did not realize was that when person A shares with person B rumors/gossip/criticism about person C, person A is still offending person C. Therefore, Joji was not aware at all of how she would injure person C even if the nasty remarks were told to person B.

She also liked to criticize people directly. She wanted to make herself look good or superior. She felt entitled just because she was smarter (or more whatever) compared to others.

What she did not realize was that just because she was more intelligent, more proficient in a certain area, or more of whatever else, she had no right to look down upon others. She didn't realize that she was wrong to make others feel small straight to their faces.

She did all that in order to cover up her own issues.

She also didn't realize that she was driving away friends or potential friends. Actually, she did not care about it at all. She didn't give a hoot if people were starting to refrain from interacting with her.

She was notorious for such attitude.

This is why she did not have many close friends in grade school.

This is why she did not have a conventional/fixed barkada (group of friends) in high school.

This is why she didn't have any college constants who stuck with her for all four years and long after.

However, as a college freshman she had this group of friends from one of her classes. They would sit and talk under the trees of the campus garden during afternoons. Yet, not even those people were her kabarkadas all throughout her college days.

Perhaps even they started to find her gossipy, so they were distancing themselves from her. Apparently, she never touched base with them for the rest of her college life.

Actually, her loneliness began in sophomore year. More and more people didn't like to be with her due to her gossipy and critical attitude. That was one of the reasons she started to be isolated.

The loneliness continued into junior year and into senior year.

Alas, she graduated with no one really as her friend.

Even when she took her masters, she didn't really have any friends. It is because she was still the issue-laden, gossip girl critic that she was in elementary school, high school, and college.

She felt lonely and hit hard by her lack of friends.

As years went by, she decided to change herself and underwent a continuous evolutionary process. Her tendencies to be nasty and critical gradually waned as she got into energy healing modalities, especially Pranic Healing.

At present, Joji almost never criticizes people. She is a lot kinder now; and she has learned to focus on the good in people and affirm them with kind words.

The end.

Moral: Too much negative criticism can really cause one to lose friends and can even make the critic learn their lesson the hard way. After all, criticism and gossip- indirect or direct- are injurious and can repel people. No one likes a critic.

*not her real name

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