Reversing Damage- A Story on Neutralizing Negative Karma

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One day, Katie* exchanged viber messages with her older sister Joji*. Younger sister wanted to know if older sister would be the driver Jake's* coordinator for the following day. Joji said yes to that. She also told Katie that she (Joji) can text him to say that Katie's boyfriend would be brought to the airport. It started pleasant; however, something unpleasant happened. What a turn of events!

This was the exchange of texts.
K: Are you Jake's coordinator for tomorrow?
J: I can text him. Yes.
K: Text him what?
J: Na may dala kang lechon sa airport (That you're bringing roasted pig to the airport).

That annoyed and offended Katie. To that, she replied, "Useless lahat ng pranic training mo (All your pranic training is useless). Fail." After that, Joji replied, "Heheh ano ba (come on) it is humorous."

Yes, Joji meant it as a joke. However, that wasn't funny at all. That hurt and irritated Katie.

Katie replied, "You know exactly how I feel about that. You are not stupid."

Afterwards, Joji began to offset the damage done to her sister. The talk about plans regarding Jake eventually became serious. Joji said that she could request that he fetch her for mass in her sister's and parents' condo. Then Katie would use him for the airport; and finally, he would take Joji home after the airport errand. Then, there was more serious coordination. Finally, Joji texted Katie, "Ok Godspeed to your friend but don't tell him anymore. Sa soul na lang (Tell his soul instead)." Therefore, Joji's proper (indirect) goodbye to her sister's boyfriend further neutralized the negative karma.

After this, Katie felt better. Joji was sorry for the inappropriate joke but glad to have offset the injury. No wonder sisters were friends once again.

From then on, Joji never joked her sister like that again.

Moral: After doing damage to someone, reverse the effect and neutralize the negative karma so that good things can still come to you.

*not their real names

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