Joji's Constant Relationship with God and Spiritual Practices

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My friends, I present to you a story of what Joji* was like growing up and even until now.

Joji is Catholic. She was born to and raised in a family of Catholics and spiritual beings.

Ever since she was a child, she has been a devotee to and follower of God. She was always very prayerful and going to mass regularly. Of course she went to mass especially on special days like her birthday, Christmas Day, and Easter.

She has always prayed for her loved ones, especially her family. During her college days, she went to mass in her university's chapel a few times a week. Not once did she consider herself too busy to worship God- not even when academic load was at its heaviest.

Whenever she goes on an overseas vacation, she prays the rosary on the plane. She prays for a pleasant, blessed trip.

When there were opportunities, she would go to confession. During these times, she would feel God's loving, forgiving warm welcome- as in welcome back to His arms.

To this day, Joji continues treading the spiritual path through her daily practice of Arhatic Yoga. She also exudes spirituality when she does Pranic Healing on patients, attends Tuesday AY group meditations, and goes to Thursday HOME (Healing, Orientation, Meditation, Enlightenment) sessions. However, she does not forget to attend a few times a week, especially on Sundays.

She still prays daily without exception- whether in ordinary or special cases.

That is Joji. She has been a constant adherent to the part of the first pillar of Arhatic Yoga- Devotion to the Supreme God.

The end.

1. Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga should not substitute attending church.
2. Closeness with and devotion to God is something that shouldn't be taken for granted. It should be taken seriously and done consistently. After all, that's part of life's mission.

*not their real names

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