The Diligent Arhatic Yogi

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This is the story of a young Arhatic Yogi named Beatrice*. She has been into the AY path for almost 4 months. She practices the pillars with passion and diligence.

Let us explore each pillar and how she practices it.

1. Devotion to God and Reverence to the Spiritual Teacher GMCKS
Beatrice prays every day and attends mass on Sundays. There are times when she goes to mass on weekdays. On the other hand, when it comes to respect for GMCKS, she always does it. She does this by taking his teachings and counsel seriously and practicing them.

2. Purification
She does physical exercises every day. As for the breathing exercises and character building techniques (inner resolution and blue triangle), she does these almost daily. Fortunately, even on the days she doesn't do the full AY practice, she at least does the physical exercises. There are also times when she purifies by means of water.

3. Meditation
Beatrice does her AY meditation daily with hardly any exceptions. This especially includes attending Tuesday evening AY group meditations with her mom at the Pranic Healing center near their place.

However, there are times when she does non-Arhatic meditations, such as the Twin Hearts meditation done in the Thursday evening HOME sessions. This month, she is taking part in the 31-day Gratitude Meditation Challenge of Master Stephen Co. She has started to do the GMC and AY meditations every day.

4. Service and Tithing
Beatrice serves her whole family, especially her grandmother, whenever she stays at their place. Moreover, she serves in HOME sessions (healing patients, leading the exercises before and after Twin Hearts meditation) and in certain Pranic Healing classes (leading the exercises like in the HOME sessions).

Beatrice usually tithes at mass; and she tithes to the Pranic Healing center from time to time.

5. Study
Very frequently, Beatrice reads Pranic and Arhatic books and manuals, a lot of which she has. She loves to read them in order to review and better appreciate concepts learned in the courses she took. Not to mention, she takes courses as a reviewer. She loves reviewing because it is an avenue for her to gain more knowledge and appreciation of PH teachings and concepts. Not only does she review through courses and books. She also does her very best to apply the teachings in her life. That is intelligence in motion.

Due to all of this, Beatrice is evolving spiritually and gaining a better, happier life. She is also becoming more united with her higher soul. Not to mention, the weaknesses she had pre-PH are a lot less now.

Moral: When an Arhatic Yogi practices the AY pillars diligently, s/he will see spiritual improvement and better quality of life.

*not her real name

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