A Happy Motherhood- A Story teaching the Five Virtues and Humility

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This is the story of Mary Grace* and her journey in this road called motherhood. Mary Grace is a loving mother to two young men. Those are 24-year-old AJ* and 21-year-old Zach*.

She has been treading this path for 24 years. It was not always easy. However, with the practice of the Pranic Healing virtues, she has become a better mom every year.

Let us journey with her and explore examples of how she practices the virtues as a mom.


As expected in any parent-child relationship, Mary Grace gets upset with her sons sometimes. This includes feeling disappointed whenever they fail to follow her rules.

In times like that, she feels a temptation to say mean, hurtful things. She feels that because she is angry, she cannot help but yell, curse, or both of them at the same time.

However, knowing how damaging such injurious acts are, she exerts self-control. She bites her tongue- literally. Then, she contemplates on how to express her annoyance/frustration/impatience in a loving way. That means she doesn't let honesty hog the space, leaving no room for loving kindness.

For example, this is happened 3 years ago. Zach arrived home late from a pre- senior high school graduation batch party.

Zach: *rings doorbell*
Mary Grace: *opens door* Oh my goodness Zach! You're home past your curfew! I told you to be home by 10PM it's now 10:30PM! Zach, what happened to that? I was SO WORRIED!
Zach: *hangs his head sullenly* Ma, I'm so sorry. It's because.. uhhh.. people were singing karaoke and it was so fun. I wanted to sing a couple of songs with them before leaving. Then I lost track of the time as I sang. I checked my phone after singing. It was already 10:05 and I realized I had to leave. I left at that time.
Mary Grace: I have to say, it really worries me when it's curfew and you're not home. You know what I mean? Like thoughts run around my head. I wonder if you're okay, what on Earth you are doing, all that. You didn't even text me to say you were going to be home late, okay? I am not happy with this at all. Next time, please text me if something prevents you from being home early. You also gotta text me to tell me when you're leaving. Also notify me of how near or far you are from home. When you're on the way, please text me every few minutes.
Zach: I am sorry for not texting. I was distracted directing the Grab driver regarding directions going home. Also, I was distracted with looking outside the car window that I forgot to text.
Mary Grace: Please don't neglect your responsibility of texting me. Even if you have to spoonfeed the driver, text me every so often. You have to assure me that you're okay and are complying with my curfew. If you cannot guarantee that, I am afraid to say but I can't let you attend the next party. Finally, please also keep track of time no matter how much fun you're having. Every now and then, look at the time and be sure to leave at a reasonable time. Is this understood?
Zach: Yes po (term of respect typically given to older persons). Again, I am sorry for worrying you. I'll do better next time.
Mary Grace: Well, I am still disappointed in your lateness. But your apology is accepted. Thank you. Goodnight.
Zach: *leaves living room to go to his room and sleep*

She could've said something like, "You have disobeyed me! Where in the #%^*&$@ world were you?! Get out of my house! You don't deserve to live here since you refuse to follow my rules! I am kicking you out of this house effective tomorrow! You will never sleep in your room except as merely a guest! Plus, you are forever banned from parties with friends!" That's not nice at all. Thankfully though, she expressed her feelings honestly, sincerely, and maturely.


She never fails to make time to talk to her sons however busy she is with healing patients, conducting life coaching sessions, errands, or Arhatic Yoga meditations. Each day, she takes some time to message or call them, especially to ask about their whereabouts.

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