Facing the Future- From Fear to Courage

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This is the story of a young lady named Beatrice.* The story covers her transformation from fear of life after college to bravely accepting and enjoying her post-college days.

In her last term of college, she had issues every so often- rather often. She was fearful, anxious, stressed, sentimental, and terrified- all at the same time. Not only was she scared of letting go of the happy parts of university days. Besides, she was under stress as deadlines, especially those of thesis requirements, were coming.

Deadline after deadline after deadline. Requirement after requirement after requirement. Reading after reading after reading. Graduation fast approaching. Transition to the world beyond school. Soon having to say goodbye to seeing organization friends on a regular basis. Being an adult. All of that made her crash emotionally. All of that made her anxious about it being a final semester. Plus, she would feel sentimental about her adult age. Not to mention, she was afraid of letting go of what she had enjoyed so much.

Besides, she had certain suicidal episodes. She didn't want to live to graduation day. She just didn't want to face it. In sheer worry, fear, and anxiety, she didn't want to face life after schooling. She would say that she'd be dead by a certain day. Besides, one night, she almost took her own life.

Her final term was the toughest one in terms of emotions. This is true especially since February to April 2019 were the most trying months.

Until one day, she started treading the Pranic Healing path. In May, shortly before graduation, she attended the Basic Pranic Healing class. After that, all her fears of graduating and adulthood disappeared into thin air. That thankfully means the class helped prepare her for graduation. She was more excited for graduation.

What more when she attended a 4-day seniors Ignatian silent retreat. That too made her more ready for graduation and the "real world". On top of that, she was all the more willing to embrace being a grown-up.

She graduated university full of hope and gratitude. After that, she continued treading the Pranic Healing path. She took the higher courses, especially Arhatic Yoga Prep. Plus, she once in a while attends certain courses to review. Lastly, she and her mother Joji* attended the Arhatic Yoga General Retreat last October. All of this is because she appreciates Pranic Healing so much that she wants to deepen her understanding of it.

Today, she is a full-time Pranic Healer and Arhatic Yogi. She enjoys having this as her career because she gets to heal the wounded humanity one soul at a time. Besides, this is such a rewarding profession; and she feels that Pranic Healers and Arhatic Yoga practitioners like her deserve to be in it. She appreciates her life now, especially the PH and AY path. Although she misses being a student once in a blue moon, she enjoys life after college. She likes being a full-time Arhatic Pranic Healer and having this as her life's purpose. No wonder all her suicidal episodes and tendencies have long been gone.

The end.

Moral: The future may seem intimidating and scary at first. However, when one is there and finds something s/he is really passionate about- what more if it's a calling- the future-turned-present is actually exciting.

*not their real names

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