From Struggle to Success- A Story on Constancy of Aim and Effort

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Reggie* and his younger daughter, Katie* were playing Sudoku on the latter's phone. As they played, they had an end in mind- to complete the puzzle.

Many times, they lost. The puzzle was left incomplete. No surprise because the game is very challenging. However, they didn't give up.

They tried and tried a few times each day. They tried, failed, tried again, and failed again. They never let this pattern of trying and failing eradicate their efforts to complete a puzzle. In other words, they kept constant their aim and effort.

That means they allowed their failure to be an encouragement rather than a hindrance. They saw their failures as lessons and encouragement to do better and better until they reached their goal.

They could've started to be lazy to keep going. They could've said, "We lost. This is so hard. Nakakatamad mag next try! (To do a next try makes us lazy.) Let's just give up on this challenging Sudoku."

But no. They didn't. So what happened next?

One day, they finally completed a puzzle. Due to this, they were so overjoyed and grateful that all their efforts paid off.

They thanked the failures for being learning opportunities and leading them to this success. After all, how can one know and experience success without failure?

Most of all, father and daughter thanked each other for collaborating and for diligently persisting.

They realized that their success was the fruit of all hard work- the result of perseverance and constancy of aim and effort amidst DIFFICULT times.

Kudos to Reggie and Katie!

The end.

Moral: For one to achieve a goal, must stay consistent in making efforts however difficult circumstances can get. After all "don't give up, don't stop".

*not their real names

Pranic Healing Character Building StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora