Not too much, not too little- A Story on Moderation and Non-Excessiveness

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This is the story of the San Lazaro family. It consists of Edward* and Mary Grace* and their three sons AJ*, Zach*, and Heinrich*.

I am not here to tell you about their lives in general (think: as a whole). Rather, I'm here to share with you a tale delves into their daily practice of moderation and non-excessiveness.

In everything they do, they always make sure to do it in moderate amounts. For them, anything in moderation is sufficient. "Too much is too much; and too little is too little." This is the motto they consistently live by. How does each member practice it? Let's take a look.

1. ATTY. EDWARD- The lawyer and Pranic Healer daddy
Edward is a hardworking lawyer who exerts effort in office work from Monday to Friday, morning to evening. Watch him work and you'll find him studying cases, preparing reports, or sitting at meetings. However, he does not overwork to the point of neglecting his health or family. He is still able to balance between working, self-care, and family time. Even while in the office, he manages to take rest and eating breaks. Not to mention, he still manages to drink enough water.

On top of those, he manages, from time to time, to do Pranic Healing on people who need it. Although he is only at the basic level in Pranic Healing, he practices it enough. He never puts excessive focus on spiritual practice so as to abandon his "normal" life.

2. MARY GRACE- The life coach, Pranic Healer, and Arhatic Yogi mommy
Mary Grace is very diligent with her professions. However, she knows how to balance between spiritual practice, life coaching, family time, and recreation.

For example, almost every Sunday, she and her family bond with Edward's siblings and their families. During San Lazaro reunion Sundays, she makes sure she has enough time for healing, meditating, attending mass, and being with extended family. She very responsibly budgets her time so it is no wonder she has time for all of that.

3. AJ- The explorer, traveller, dancer, singer, adventurer, and Pranic Healer firstborn
Currently, AJ is still in search for a new job. So for the time being, he has been solo-backpacking and exploring different countries (and some provinces in the Philippines). However, he stays with his family in Manila from time to time. While being able to go to a lot of places and be away from family, he manages to stay home enough. That also means he still squeezes in time to practice Pranic Healing, sing, dance, and play guitar. He has been able to balance staying home and exploring the world.

4. ZACH- The guitarist, singer, soon-to-be college graduate, and Pranic Healer middle child
Zach, a college senior, is currently very busy with his studies. However, he still ensures he studies enough. Moreover, in spite of his busy schedule, he still manages to take care of himself and overall health. That means he takes time away from schoolwork to touch base with family, hang out with friends, jam with the guitar, and whatever other hobbies. He budgets his time so as to spend adequate time on all that.

5. HEINRICH- The dancer, singer, football player, reader, guitarist, Pranic Healer and soon-to-be Arhatic Yogi youngest child
Heinrich is a very diligent college freshman. He usually spends a lot of time on schoolwork and gets good grades. However, he doesn't study to the point of burnout or self-abuse. A student-athlete, he still manages to make time for football- training and playing games (largely with his team against teams of other universities). In spite of having to juggle football and academics, he makes time to do Meditation on Twin Hearts each morning. Moreover, he takes time away from his busy student-athlete schedule to heal patients, occasionally go out with friends (He doesn't gimmick/party too hard), and spend time with family. Not to mention, he sufficiently studies Pranic books when he's not studying, training, healing, or bonding with family members. Self-care and balanced living are always essential priorities for him. There is not one thing he does excessively to the point of neglecting all others.

Moral: There is so much value in balancing daily activities. In doing so, one is attracting enough time for everything.

*not their real names

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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