When you touch there horns |S/M|

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Again, first preference so hope it's ok and let me know if you don't agree with what I believe to what will happen.

Result: flustered and possibly angry

Much like the episode were Ava grabs his horns, the daemos prince is taken aback by your actions and if not in a relationship with him will most likely get annoyed and snap on you.

Result: flustered but understanding

While the pierce on daemos was heartless, he knows there's a cultural gap between the earth humans and the ones once found on daemos. So while he would also get flustered he'd be more understanding on the humans curiousness

Result: not fully bothered but not wanting much

Leif isn't one for small talk, and an intimate action or not the result is likely violence. Cause even if he cared for the person it's almost engrained within him to hurt. So this feisty green horned daemos wouldn't be to bothered over a sudden grabbing but wouldn't want it to go on for to long

Result: flustered but wants to learn

Rhys, being the only one with a bit of science in the group would also grow flustered but also want to learn into why you did such an action to begin with and in the effect of giving and receiving he'd ask for some information related in equal to what horns do for daemos.

Result: so flustered he passes out

Being the overly innocent person noi is, a sudden grabbing of his horns is sure to send the poor boy to his grave, his face would darken significantly and is likely to loose the ability to remain awake for long.

My inner demons: XReader insertWhere stories live. Discover now