Walking in on you in the shower|S|

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An I oop-

Result: water summoning magic?

Asch was VERY confused why why you were choosing to stand in the rain, and why you were naked but wanted to know why your were so mad at him for just walking in, when you came out he demanded you show him your water magic, to which you had to explain how a water line works.

Result: I am confusion

Like asch, pierce was confused on why you were standing naked in the rain and how it was only in one area, but unlike Asch he was a little more calm about the situation and apologized for bursting in on you

Result: tease

Leif, being leave was pestering about the whole situation while you struggled to cover yourself, he wasn't even concerned over the fact you were standing under running water, he just like to tease you at the opportunity.

Result: must learn.

Rhys, well Rhys was insistent on studying the behaviour as you showered, and even wanted to take part in it as well but, you had to explain the complications of that situation, just saying that only courted and parents helping there child people could do this together, and while he got a bit upset he understood and eventually left after you promised to show him how to later.

Result: are you going to drown?

While noi was a little flustered at seeing you naked, he was concerned you were going to drown during your shower and wanted to help you, thinking some sort of magic was keeping you captive, but was relaxed after you explained everything to him.

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