Chapter 3. Poppy

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"I swear those chips are affecting your intelligence level, pigs can definitely not fly!" Cosette screeches, throwing a chip at Tommy who dodges, with skill, and grins.

"How do you know? Have you ever seen one?" He questions, confidently, he seems sure he's going to win. Sarah quietly sits down next to cadence, who doesn't appear to notice.

"No! Of course, I haven't! Because pigs can't fly!"

"Well, you haven't seen one because it's a secret, they don't want you to know, so they hide it. Which is why you can't prove that they can't" and Cosette just looks confused and irritated. I wave at the girl and she smiles back. She hasn't said a word

"That's literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard" Cosette cries, before turning sharply, I guess she noticed, "Excuse me? Who are you? You can't sit here unless I say you can sit here" and the poor girl jumps

"Cosette, that isn't nice, besides I asked her to sit with us today," I say and both the girls look at me, she huffs, but motions for the girl to sit back down.

"Yeah, C, you're not the queen of the seats" Tommy chuckles, "like you are not the queen of the pigs...or are you? and that's why you are so adamant that pigs can't fly"

"I'm Sarah," she says quietly, pushing her glasses back up her nose.

"Cool name. I'm Cosette, that's Tommy, and obviously, you already know Poppy" Cosette says giving me a glare. I don't see why she's so territorial, "we are hanging out, the three of us, at my place this Friday, and I thought that you might like to come"

I'm surprised and very proud, I never would have thought that she would accept someone so quickly, other than a cute boy.

"I believe pigs can fly" I announce and Tommy high fives me, and Cosette just looks utterly disappointed.


Finding Isla is harder than passing maths. I should have put her on a leash. Tommy offers no help, but he is drunk out of his mind. And busy with Miles now.

"Looking for someone?" Max, the dick, asks, He's tall and good at spotting pretty girls a mile away. He could be useful.

"Yeah, Isla. Have you seen her?" I ask him

"No, but I'll help you look for her," he says, with that charming, goofy smile.

He's changed Max, he's actually really sweet, not like he used to be.

"We should start upstairs and then work our way down. It'll be the most effective" Max says

"Sounds like a plan" I agree and I follow him upstairs, shoving past the drunk, stumbling bodies. Layla and Finn seem to have forgotten that they are in relationships with other people. What happens at Cosette's, stays at Cosette's I guess.

"Careful Finn, nothing's scarier than a woman scorned" Max yells at his co-captain. Finn hardly cares at this point.

"He's going to screw himself over one day. If he wants to be a footy player, he's going to have to change his ways unless he wants to be hated" Max mumbles. He's more worried Finn will drag him down with him

"He's overrated anyway," I say, Max is the better player, he's just too hotheaded at times.

Max shrugs, of course, he's going to let sport come in the way of a friendship he's had since birth. He swings the first door he sees opens. Cosette's brother Henry lays half-naked on his bed

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