Chapter 13. Poppy

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"Can you believe what they are saying about me? None of its true, they're all just jealous" Cosette mutters, as Pippa and Paige and Claudia look over at us while whispering, I nod, as I notice another poster on a tree outside. Can't the teachers do their job? 

"Just ignore them" I reply. Silently begging her -she's only just got back from her suspension for tipping a bin all over Pippa. It was funny until we remembered that Pippa may be mad, but her mother is even worse and her Aunt is an important alumnus.  

"You say that like it's easy" she signs, her pen clicking on and off, "and just when I thought they had accepted me into their group" 

"Well, I guess you are stuck with us, unfortunately for you," I say, I'm not hurt that she'd rather hang with the most superficial people on earth than us, not hurt at all. 

"That's not what I meant and you know it. I love you" 

"What about Sarah, you always lose your patience with her for no reason, like when you called her dumb for not remembering her lunch"  

"I know, I'm sorry" 

"I'm not the one you should be apologising to"

"I promise I'll be nicer, it's just that you seem to like her more than me" 

"You know that's not true, just because I have other friends it doesn't mean I don't love you any less," I tell her, and I'm not as angry about how sheets around Sarah. maybe I could be a better friend but she can't be so possessive. 

"Hey, little miss Pinky Pie. Is friendship really magic" Pippa yells, laughing, and Cosette goes red with embarrassment. I don't think she ever thought that her secrets would ever come out. 

"At least I didn't have a crush on every serial killer on criminal minds" Cosette yells back, "got a thing for psychopaths?" 

And of course, Pippa does what any damsel in distress would do- find a man to rescue her.

"Max! Tell her that she's wrong, you're not a psycho are you?" Pippa cries, latching onto his arm and he struggles to free himself. I'm pretty sure their 'relationship' is all in her head. 

"You know I think it was the bible that said treat others the way you would want to be treated. Or maybe it was Shakespeare" Max mutters and Pippa goes red with betrayal, and Cosette laughs. 

"That's it! We are so over!" 

"Thank God,"  Max says, his hands raised with the joyous sound of freedom. 

Finally, the evil child has been defeated. 


Mrs Chamberlain asks me to sit in the front with them, saying that I was like a second daughter to them. I'm sure my Mum would love to hear that. She's sobbing openly, letting her resolve crumble while her husband and son sit up surly and unforgiving. 

I'm the one that holds her hand as she weeps for her only daughter. Cosette's  Grandma barely understands what's going on. I think it's a bit cruel to bring her along. 

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