Chapter 5. Poppy

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"My Mum is going to America in June, we should throw a party" Cosette says excitedly, bouncing up and down.

"Why? It's not like we have any reason to? Besides, won't your father and Grandmother be here?" I ask her and she smiles

"Actually, My Dad will be away in Melbourne in June for business reasons, an Granny is going to spend some time in a nursing home. So we will be celebrating freedom and being able to do whatever we want, and hopefully trashing every expensive thing in the house" she answers, and I guess it wouldn't kill anyone to have some fun.

"Alright I'll help, but no alcohol and definitely no Pippaor Paige or any of their friends" I agree

"We're fourteen, where would we even get alcohol from? Anyway, we are going to have the best party ever, one that celebrities would envy" she pauses for a moment, "so Pippa and Paige are banned, since they are losers and stupid, Tommy and Sarah are definitely coming whether they want to or not, I think we should invite Max, he'd make it interesting, and maybe Dolly and Eden"

"What about Johnny and Byron? They seem nice"

"Complete loners though, they probably will refuse and if they come, they most likely ruin the atmosphere"

"You are just saying that because you don't think either one of them is hot"

"Well, they aren't and they are also super boring"

"I like them, just this once?"

"Fine, but if one of them starts a fight or starts droning on about sand, you will be to blame"


"Poppy, get up!" Lucy screeches, doing her impression of scratching a blackboard.

"I'm up, have you had your hour long shower yet?" I say, she would not survive the apocalypse.

"I have never had a shower longer than five minutes" she huffs

"Maybe you should try timing yourself and see if that's really true" I mutter, she doesn't say anything else and I can hear her stomping back down to the kitchen. Sienna has probably called me twenty times by now over a drama she's completely made up in that crazy head of hers. Isla, will be perfecting her disappearing act once more, and if she can go the day without Sienna hunting her down and murdering her, she'll finally get that gold medal.

Daniel, like the dick he is, blasts his horrible music as loud as he possibly can. The neighbours are not going to be happy. Especially Mr and Mrs Brooks, who were up half the night with their sick baby.

There are two problems with this- one, I'm banned from fighting with William, which means I can't talk to him at all; and two, I have to tell him to turn it off because I'm the one who will get in trouble for it- because he's a perfect angel.

But I can text his girlfriend, and she likes me more than him (which is new) and she will tell him off. That's more likely than Mum doing anything about it.

And I now have a different problem. This day is just going brilliantly.

Where the hell is my phone? Sienna is going to think I'm dead.

"Lucy! Did you take my phone?" I yell, and as I expected, I get no answer. So, I start off with destroying my room, looking in every place where I could have put my phone. I don't even remember when I last had it.

The conclusion I come to is that it's at Cosette's house. Which is just great. She's probably destroyed it by now.

"Are you having breakfast?" Mum asks

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