Chapter 20. Tommy

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"If you were to die tomorrow how would you want to go?" Miles ask, as we sit on the stands by the pool, watching as people race.

We manage to not get put in any races, and are currently sitting metres away from the group of girls who faked having their period.

"I would want to be eaten by a dingo"

"I thought dingoes only went after babies though"

"Shut up. How would you want to die?" I ask him, I'm sure the dingo would be able to cope. It's not like it's going to happen anyway.

"I would either want to drown or have my head bashed in by a rock" He answers after a moment, the girls sitting near us are giving a weird look.

"What? Why do you want to die so violently?" I ask him and he raises his eyebrow at me.

"You are the one who wants to be eaten by a dingo and drowning isn't violent" he answers, maybe a bit too loudly because one of the swimming coaches turns around to look at us.

"You are so weird" I laugh

"You know you love it"

"Excuse me boys, but if you're not swimming, you need to be doing homework" the woman says, her judgmental eyes flickering between us.

"We are, it's for philosophy" Miles answers and she just walks away.

"Is it really?"

"No, I don't even do philosophy, you know that"


He's dead. And it's all my fault.

They've been trying to get me to leave my room for the past four days but why should I? There's no reason anymore.

It's unsafe out there.

There are four kids dead now- Sarah, Cosette, Miles and James.

Six if you include Sloane and Farrah.

And nobody cares. Not the police, not the supposedly responsible adults. It's just a normal day to them.

Even my Aunt is worried, I didn't even think she liked me.

Uncle Steve has been knocking and asking how I am every hour ever since it happened.

At least Max and Poppy are leaving me alone.

It's so quiet now that no one cares enough to text me, pretending they care.

There's another bloody knock on my door. I'm getting a headache.

"Hey Tommy it's Andy and Max, well a moody Max"

I stare at the wall before getting up. I have to face reality sometime. They just aren't going to leave me alone.

I open the door and Andy is standing with a beanie and no goofy smile.

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