Chapter 8. Tommy

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"You look like absolute fools!" Max laughs, as Charlie trips over his own feet

"At least I don't let my 'too cool for school' attitude stop me from having fun" Charlie responds, and Oliver high fives him.

"Whatever, you'll regret it in the morning" Max shrugs, chugging another cup.

"Oh, Max, won't you dance with us?" Lottie coos

"Yeah, Max, dance with us!" the other girls cheer and Max rolls his eyes, how can he be annoyed by a pretty girl?

"In your dreams Charlotte, why don't you dance on your own? It's much more entertaining" Max replies pushing the hand that reaches for him away

"Oh what a party pooper!" Lottie whines standing up straight, arms crossed

"And a loser!" Oliver adds, Charlie laughs, and spins around to fast and accidentally spills half his drink, onto Damian's most prized shoes

"Do you know how much these shoes cost!" Damian yells, shoving Charlie backwards, the step behind him causing him to fall over, he lets out a yelp as he hits the floor, he holds his right arm funnily and starting to cry.

"It was an accident, dude! Why did you go do that for?" Oliver growls shoving Damian, and before things can go any further, Max steps in.

"Hold up, I have just been informed that this is a no fighting party. So you can start this up again at school" Max says and Oliver turns around angrily and helps Charlie up. Charlie always was the emotional one.

"What a crybaby" Damian mutters, and before Oliver can, Max punches him in the face, and Lottie laughs. Cosette looks upset, but hides it behind her award winning smile.

"What the hell was that for?" he shouts, and Cosette quietly faces him some tissues, and Charlie an ice pack.

That's when the doorbell rings, following by pounding on the door.

Cosette, confused, swiftly opens the door and before she can say anything Pippa and Paige and their following.

"Now the party's really starting!" James yells, fist-bumping Johnny and Byron at the same time.

"What are you doing here?" Cosette demands, slamming the door shut

"We heard there was a party here, and we're always up for a party" Pippa says twirling around, "I brought alcohol"

"We're fourteen, we don't drink" I argue and Cadence nods

"Then what's in that?" Paige questions pointing to the punch

"Sugar, mostly" Sarah lies, she was the one who made it after all, and only five minutes ago she assured me that there was hardly any alcohol in it, not enough to be noticeable unless someone drank heaps of it.

But they didn't need to know that.

"Well, what does it matter? I thought this was meant to be a party, not a funeral" Pippa scoffs, "and what happened to my brother?"

"He got what was coming to him" Oliver snaps


The police are giving me a headache worse than the one I already had. They have gotten another ridiculous idea into those small, thick heads of theirs. They seem to think that there was this elaborate plot to murder Cosette, including everyone at the party and that he was the mastermind.

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