Chapter 9. Poppy

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Me and Cosette sit in our usual spot, she's quiet today, like she's been recently. At first it was weird, but now it's the new normal, she no longer has much to say, and I miss it but it's nice sometimes to be able to hear my own thoughts.

At first, I thought that she would tell me if something was wrong, which she didn't, then I thought she was just upset about being in trouble, and that she'd get over it in time and it would be like it never happened, she would be talking about James or whatever his name was, or another cute boy she probably met at the beach- because that's pretty much where she hangs out these days.

I stare at the posters, encouraging us to ask those three words if we thought there was something wrong with our friends, the ones me and Cadence had laughed at all those months ago.

I guess Cosette's silence does come with a blessing, as Max hasn't bothered either us in ages, got bored of getting no reaction from Cosette, and moved on to Paige. And as of yesterday, it was declared to the school that they were in love and when they were eighteen they'd be married. Apparently, Max didn't seem to agree, and had spent the rest of the day avoiding her. I would too.

"Are you okay?" I eventually force myself to ask, and she blinks, as if I've woken her from a trance

"Yeah, of course, whenever have I ever not been? I'm just tired, and Mum is being a real pain in the ass, but what else is new" she answers smiling, "she just won't let it go, yeah I made a mistake and I've said sorry a million times, what else am I supposed to do? I can't go back in time, I even spent my own money, which I was going to use to get a new phone, on fixing that stupid vase, which she hates by the way. She didn't even say thank you, just reprimanded me again for breaking it in the first place. She cares more about the vase than me throwing a party without her permission, I swear. And let me tell you this, if it had been Henry instead of me, he wouldn't even need to apologise in the first place, because everybody makes mistakes and boys will be boys" she yells kicking at the bench in front of us.

And she's back. Back to complaining about everything, and probably exaggerating a lot of things. I'm sure her Mum just wants what's best for her. And that's probably not the destructive path.

"I'm sure she'll forgive you soon, and maybe you should try talking to her about how you feel?" I suggest, not really knowing what to say. I never seem to. "Anyway, am I allowed to come over to your house this afternoon, or am I still forbidden from entering?"

"Not today, I have to pack, maybe tomorrow though?" she answers, smiling apologetically

"Where are you going?" I ask curious, we never leave the country and rarely this state, my sister is scared of planes and is a wreck whenever we are away from home for too long.

"Paris. Mum says that maybe I need to get away to sort my attitude out, so I'm helping her with her next show. She says that it will be a great time for us to bond and reconnect again, because according to her, we've become distant from each other recently and she wants to fix that, like we were ever close to begin with" she explains

"I'm sure you'll fun, and you'll get to see the Eiffel Tower!" I say and she shrugs

"I'd much rather go to the beach and hang out with you" she grumbles

"Aw, that's nice, I knew that you love me" I say and she gives me a gentle push, laughing.

"Your my best friend you know? No matter what" she says quietly, and thats the most serious I've ever heard her. "Always and forever"


Dinner is awkward, Daniel is mad at me, even though he was the one being a dickhead in the first. Mum is annoyed at my Dad's constant pestering about anything, he's on my side as he always is- which is his greatest flaw according to Mum, as he should be on her side but she's always on Daniel's side and not Dad's. This family is a mess.

When rainbows fallTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon