Chapter 21. Poppy

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"He's just so weird and creepy," Isla says, her perfect nose scrunched up. Sienna gums as she stabs the picture of Zayn Malik with a pencil.

She hasn't taken the news very well.

"I swear he spends most of the class staring at our boobs" Isla continues, "and of course Cosette laps this attention up"

"Ew," I say, I don't even know who she's talking about. Which is why you shouldn't be late for lunch.

"Who are you even talking about?" Nelly asks, she sounds as disinterested as ever.

"Mr Jones, the science teacher" Isla answers quickly, her tone of voice agitated and her knee bouncing up and down.

"Are you sure you haven't imagined it? He seems like a decent dude to me" Nelly says and Isla shakes her head.

"No, definitely not" 

"Then why haven't you reported him?" Nelly asks

"I don't want to be the snitch who ruins his career and life over a misunderstanding" 

"Isla, oh my god"
"Poppy, can I talk to you?"  Tommy asks, he looks nervous and guilty. Maybe he's the one who's been running around killing people.

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask him, I'm not sure if I should be worried or not. It's Tommy. He cried over a potato once but not over his dead guinea pig.

"It's about Sarah," He says, taking a step back like I'm going to stab. Last time, I checked he was the one playing with knives.

'Divorced, beheaded, died. Divorced, beheaded, survived!' Comes the giggling sound of children in the distance.

"I thought we were done talking about that. She's long dead and buried, ain't she?" I say, he was the one to say he was sick of hearing about Sarah, so who's he to bring her back up?

"I don't think she killed herself and I think you know that too," He says and I'm going to kill him.

"It was suicide, there was a note and the police declared it. Stop imagining things" and he grabs my arm.

"Listen, you know things don't add up. She was texting beforehand, the happiest she had been in weeks. And the handwriting was all wrong"

"She was rushed, panicked. Of course, her handwriting wasn't going to be as neat as normal!"

"So, she forced to write letters that came unnaturally to her?" He questions, "Have you ever tried changing your handwriting or the way you write letters? It's not something you can do in a matter of seconds"

"Hmm. I'll hear you out if you buy me a drink" I tell him, and he just stares at me, mouth open like a fish.

"We're barely seventeen. That's illegal" he argues, I never took him for a chicken. Maybe Nelly was right about him. But Nelly thinks that all boys are useless idiots, so you can't really pay much attention to what she thinks.

"I'm not stupid, Tommy. I know you have a fake ID"

"Wel, yeah but if I use it too many times, I'll get caught and they'll have my head"

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