Chapter 10. Tommy

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"Did you see Nelly throw up all over herself, Tommy? What a loser. I can't believe Poppy is actually friends with her" Cosette laughs, stumbling forwards, grabbing onto his arm to keep herself steady. Tommy looks at her and shakes his head. It was the third time Cosette had thrown that party and this time they had to move the location because her parents decided to be in town.

"For the record, I think Nelly is a very nice girl. The same can't be said about you" Tommy says and Cosette laughs, hiccuping a bit.

"That's mean. I think I've had too much to drink"

"I think you have"

"So have you"

"What makes you say that?"

"You said Smelly Nelly is nice"

"That's mean and you're proving my point. Your starting to sound like a bully" Tommy scolded sounding irritated, rolling his eyes. "I thought Poppy was your friend"

"She is and Nelly is trying to steal her from me just like Sarah did" Cosette says, a trace if regret in her voice.

"You don't own Poppy, and Sarah never took her away from you. Poppy's still your friend and so is Sarah" Tommy reminds his friend, his fake girlfriend. They are all meant to go to the library tomorrow, but he knows Cosette won't. She's always been jealous of Sarah.

Those posts have messed everything up.

"Whatever. I can come to your place? My parents would be so disappointed in me, because I'm not acting like a proper lady"

"Yeah, okay, but don't let my Father find out. He'd kill me"

"Sure thing paddy cake"


I stare blankly at the wall in front of me. We're just expected to continue with our lives and act like everything's fine. They pretend that they didn't fail us and when we complain they send us to see a psychologist.

I half remember that I meant to pulling my socks up and getting ready for the game but I just don't care.

"Hey Tommy, you alive?" Max calls and some of the over boys whistle and laugh. Pests of society. I look at Max, who's always been kind to me, he's worried. I can see it in his slightly too big eyes.

'Yeah" I reply, I know he's hanging out with Poppy because every time I text her she's with him. It's like she doesn't care that her best friend is dead. I know everyone hated Cosette, it was always a bit hard to love her, but that doesn't mean what happened is okay.

"Well, get ready so we can beat these losers" Max says, even he doesn't seem to care that this is one of the biggest games this year. "I'm sorry about Cosette. I know you two used to be close"

I just nod. He's the first one to acknowledge that Cosette was important to me once, everyone else focuses solely on Poppy. but I don't mind being ignored, I get left alone at school, while for Poppy it's like she's a celebrity. She can't walk through the school hallways without people talking, watching her, or running up to her.

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