Chapter 24. Tommy

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"Are you sure we're doing the right thing?" I hear Julie whisper yell to my uncle. For some reason, she's never really liked me. Probably poisoned by Dad's complaints.

I don't know if I should tell them I can hear them.

Ever since I moved in it's like they've been treading on thin ice. They act like they can't talk to me, well Julie does.

"We're doing what he wants and that's all we can do. We can't force him to do anything"

Uncle Steve tries his best.

Cosette hasn't talked to me since Sarah. She assumed that I would take Poppy's side. And Poppy has assumed that I'm on Cosette's side.

I'm on the side where we can all be friends again like we used to be.

"One of his best friends just died and we let him not go to the funeral. He needs to be able to say goodbye"

"And he's done that in his own way"

"I just worry that we keep on making mistakes and have done the wrong thing"

"It will work out I promise"

My phone beeps, and for a moment I hope it's Sarah. But it's Poppy.

'Why didn't you come to the funeral? I thought you were her friend? I thought we were friends' 


"Are you sure you want to go in today? I can easily call the school and say that your sick" Steve says, sounding worried over nothing. He seriously needs to stop worrying. It'll send him to his grave

It's not like I killed someone and I don't think the murderer is just going to be walking the halls taking people out.

"No, I'm fine. Besides, I have to work on a project so with Maxat lunch" I answer, it is true that we have a health project but we aren't going to do it.

We are on a strike. Or something like that.

And Mrs Forest is annoying.

Steve nods and goes back to his tractor catalogue. I have no idea what his obsession is with tractors.

He's not three and he has plenty that work fine. I think Julie would agree with me on that- which would be a first.

"Just call me if you want to come home and don't get into any fights" He says eventually. I shrug as I continue to stir my already cold porridge. Where's goldilocks when you need her?

"I will. But what if someone punched- canI punch them back?" I ask and he sighs.

"Try to just walk away but if you must then go for it" He says and I smile.

It's actually been awhile since i've gotten in any fight. I'm not an idiot- I know I'm on thin ice with the school and the police.

I'm not going to purposely throw away my already dim future for some jackass.

Also, I want to talk to Poppy. I have to try to fix things instead of just pretending everything is fine between us.

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